Even the dumbed down version of accg100 (arts105) sucks. Gawd, I hope I pass... provided he marks fairly, I should juusstt pass. What I REALLY couldn't stand was the confounded flipping of pages - information on one side, blank page to write out statements on the other. Not only that, but one page would be printed in landscape whilst the other was in portrait. My neck HATED that exam. And what the heck was up with that "Hocking Duck" MC question?!?!? It's like he forgot to write out on part of the question, it was more or less "there's this place called Hocking Duck, now tell us what their blahblah ratio/whatever is." Like, WHAT?!?!?!
I actually enjoyed my SOC180 exam. I freaked out a little at first, but it really wasn't too bad after all...
Left quite early, and in a fantastically good mood.
I haven't started studying for BBA111 yet. I should, but I'm currently stuck babysitting (just like yesterday, except this time I'm expecting to have to stay here past midnight... please kill me now!) and comfort food/activities is all I can think of right now. The fail rate is extremely low, and I have great faith in my speed-rote-learning abilities. So long as I pass, I'm happy.