Yeah, checking permits on the way in became useless and the parking fines were useless because they were not enforced by the RTA so the uni had no real way to collect parking fines except for finding though parking permit records of which student was registered to the car. The problem was that most of the fines were to people like myself who never registered for a parking permit meaning that I was a person they could never pin any fines on. So the way they used to try and combat it was not letting in anyone without a permit which wasn't the best system.
But now they have the RTA enforcement and multistorey short term parking which means its easier and more profitable just to let everyone in, and fine those who don't have a permit.
The key to the whole thing.... the motivation of profts. The system could have been changed a long time ago but they didn't do anything until they realised they could be earning money out of it.
It's like how they made a big fuss over the increase in top-dollar parking permits, what they didn't mention was how they merely just shifted the ratios so that although there were more red parking permits, there were less blue parking permits... so all that happened was that the amount of parking spaces stayed the same but they just increased the price of a certain amount of parking spaces.