Exam Preparation and Techniques (1 Viewer)


Sep 8, 2007
North Parramatta
Four key factors in preparing for an exam:
- Revision
- Exam Techniques
- Equipment
- Physical and Mental Wellbeing.

If you want to do well in an exam, you much know your work thoroughly and understand it. This means that it is important that you have organised your work and have prepared summaries of key ideas, knowkedge and skills that you have covered in your study.

General Tips:
- Elininate easy questions first before you attempt harder questions
- Do not leave any question unatended, if you don't know the answer, venture a guess! Remember, NO marks are deducted for wrong answers!
- Don't waste time writing full sentences when it is not reqquired by the question.
- If the question ask for ONE example, only give one, as extra examples may not be all correct hence making your answer incorrect.

Words in the question:
Often the questions require you to 'analyse', 'explain', 'identify' or 'describe'. Each of these words have a specific meaning.
- Analyse - Identifying relationships
- Classify - To arrange into catagories
- Deduce - To draw conclusions
- Demonstrate - Give example
- Describe - Provide characteristics
- Discuss - Identify issue and provide points of view (for/against)
- Explain - making relationships evident
- Extrapolate - Infer from what is known
- Identify - Recognise and name
- Interpret - Draw meaning from
- Justify - Support conclusion

- Pens (Black is recommended)
- Pencils (B or 2B) and Eraser
- Ruler marked in mm and cm
- Protractor (Science and mathematics)
- Pair of compasses (Science and mathematics)
- Set square (Science and mathematics)
- Calculator (Board of Studies Approved Calculators)
- Highlighter (Optional)

All equipment should be placed inside a clear container. Calculators with the ability to communicate or exchange data are PROHIBITED. Calculating devices with built-in keys (QWERTY keyboard etc.) are not allowed. NO mobile phones are allowed.

The ANSWER SHEETS and WRITTEN ANSWERS must be completed using PEN, NOT pencil. Pencils are allowed only for drawing diagrams.

Finally, you should consider your physical and mental wellbeing to perform at your best in the exam. This includes getting several good nights' sleep before the test, eating a balanced diet and arriving at the examination centre well ahead of scheduled start time. You should ATTEMPT TO FEEL AS RELAXED AS POSSIBLE, YET MENTALLY ALERT.

If you have studied adequately, then you are likely to feel overstressed about the School Certificate Tests.

Extracted from: Page 5-7, 2003 NSW School Certificate Questions and Answers. ISBN: 1 7409 9976 2. NSW Board of Studies.

(c) 2004 Board of Studies NSW and on behalf of the crown in right of the state of New South Wales. All rights reserved.

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