well, when she said limiting i think she was referring to the fact that after you finish the degree you get a job as a teacher and, in most cases, that is where you stay for many years. I mean, sure, you can become a principle or something further down the track but there is still only so many careers that can come from a teaching degree. Not that that is a bad thing. If you love the job then it's brilliant. But if i was to do the degree and then find out i hate teaching there isn't really anywhere for me to go without doing further study.
And i don't think she meant teaching wasn't challenging. On the contrary, since i've been studying this course i've ompletely renewed my opinion of teaching. it can be tough...and all i've done is two peer teaching sessions
The teacher in question said that she thought i needed a
different challenge; one that suited me more. I'm not really a people-person, i mean, i'm not a hermit either, but teachers need to be approachable and i don't really think i am. Plus i would find it really hard to teach kids who "just don't get it". That would be damn frustrating and i have a short temper....
I guess some people are meant to be be teachers and some aren't. I think i'm the latter.
EDIT: It's all over! did the exam yesterday. Finished in 2 hours and turns out we had 2.5