Watching M+J again, I had a little epiphany that might sert a` rien mais, je vais le raconter tout de même. The little discourse between Malek, Magali and Marius just after Extract 4 I just realised is rather interesting. Marius, another 'lie' he tells is to Malek, and is obviously joking, but in his seemless expressionless self he plays the part of truth very well:
(They're at the table, in the morning, after Marius finished work in night shift)
Magali: Pas trop naze?
Marius: Ouais... tu sais, j'ai dormi toute la nuit.
Malek: Il se passe jamais rien, je comprends pas pourquoi on te paie a` rien faire.
Marius: Ah tu crois ça? Une nuit, y'a qque mois, une soucoupe volante
(UFO pretty much), elles est venue se poser juste au milieu dla cimenterie.
(Here's the start of little joke/lie)
Malek: Et ça va, tu sais depuis combien de temps je crois plus ou Père Noël?
Marius: Tu crois que je mens?
Malek: Si tu mens pas, c'est que t'étais bourré!
Marius: Je bois jamais
(continuing the "I never drink" thing...)
Magali: Qu'est-ce qu'ils voulaient?
Malek: Oh t'y mets pas toi aussi, hein!
Marius: Qu'est-ce qu'y voulaient?
(Here's his funny thing, lie to Malek.) Ils voulaient voir le paysage, on a une vue magnifique de la cimenteier. Chez eux, tout est plat. Y'a pas de mer, pas de montagne, pas de vieille ville, tout est propre, nickel-chrome
(have no idea what this means..).... ils ont tous la même couleur de peau, la même taille, le même poids, la même religion
(maybe this is Guediguian saying that - tolerance of difference is desirable because difference is what makes the world interesting????)... C'est pour ça que d'un point de vue scientifique y sont tres avancés. Par contre, comme tout roule toujours dans l'huile..
(By this point,"jeannette sourit, Malek a l'air plus intéressé")... hé bé ils s'emmerdent comme des rats morts. Voila`....
Funny hey? I am discovering that this movie is actually quite charming in really subtle ways.... This also can indicate how Marius is becoming accepted into the family more, and the shot composition paints them at the setting of the dinner table - very family-ish - as all the family characters are present there, as if they are a family - lining the situation up for th e next turn of events (cue: sad music (Vivaldi's "Winter" from The Four Seasons I think)) which is Marius' disappearance. So this is the Belonging vs Alienation a bit (acceptance into community I think? - Then Coping with Change as he deals with the relationship with the kids and Jeannette changing so radically - from just a little flingy thing to practically a whole family unit - the way he copes with change, voila` the drinking.
So maybe B vs A and Tolerance of Difference (T of D if we want to take Marius little Alien story seriously

, if we think that Guedigiuan really
was trying to describe his idea of a really boring existance and preach about how our world is really cool - with our, to contradict Marius' description of the aliens, 'different colours of skin, different sizes, different weight/sizes, different religions'... etc...
I might be talking bull but... Qu'en pensez-vous?