cheese hater
hiya guys,
hope you're getting excited for starting UC on Res!
Now if you havent already got a Facebook Account. GET ONE!!! its very useful remembering new friends, feeling silly from the tagged photos of yourself drunk/passed out/climbing - then falling, etc.
Its very useful to be a memeber of certain groups so you can keep up-2-date on events and stuff.. heres acouple:
(thats for people on CLV res)
(sudent group that does all the fun stuff for ressies!!)
so just float around the groups and you'll find some cool ones too!
Enjoy O Week!

hope you're getting excited for starting UC on Res!
Now if you havent already got a Facebook Account. GET ONE!!! its very useful remembering new friends, feeling silly from the tagged photos of yourself drunk/passed out/climbing - then falling, etc.
Its very useful to be a memeber of certain groups so you can keep up-2-date on events and stuff.. heres acouple:
(thats for people on CLV res)
(sudent group that does all the fun stuff for ressies!!)
so just float around the groups and you'll find some cool ones too!
Enjoy O Week!