surprised things change
was this directed at me? im not stopping anybody living together? and i am not being discriminatory or watever either. i was just pointing out that the greens are doing more than jst looking out 4 trees. there was not ment to be anything horrible about the way i sed it and i am really sorry if it has offended u or made u mad enuf to use size 4 fontAsquithian dare you deny that person the right to live in a relationship whereby they are legally dependant on each other how dare you not recognise that relationship...the law and government should not be interested in what the church considers morally right...rather the law and government should be interested in what is fair and just......what is reasonable by logic not by often outdated religious rhetoric…fairness and equality before the law and human rights and social liberty? Ever heard of those?
go figure. when u sed this:
Church and state should NOT be together...liberal democracy was created in order to ensure that the state did not associate with the church. Nations that are religious in their governmental institutions are stuck in the dark its very nature religious values are conservative; the country would not progress if the church had a strong impact on the way the state operated...the church would continually impinge on your SOCIAL LIBERTY
democracy is the right for everyone to have a say... even the church.