Family Law... Sex changes!!! (2 Viewers)


Mar 30, 2003
Hello. I am writing up notes on requirements of a valid marriage and came across conflicting ideas in different texts...

Macmillan Legal Studies 2 (published 2000) says that in Corbett v Corbett (1970) "the court found that the marriage was not valid in the first place, applying the definition given in Hyde v Hyde and Woodmansee. It was ruled that a man who had undergone a sex change operation was still legally a man and so could not marry another man."

So i thought, ok maybe there is a more recent case than when the book was published... so i look in the excel book published 2001 and they also quote Corbett v Corbett (1970)

But another text (cant tell which one as it was photocopied :) quotes a recent case (Kevin [2001] Fam CA 1074) that says "gender reassignment was sufficient to satisfy the requirement of a man and a woman".

Does anyone know which is correct???


Sep 11, 2003
This is a hard one, becuase as far as I know it must be a man and a woman, and they must be legally a man and a woman, unless this case changed the definition of what legally being a man or woman was classified. Remember also under Stare Decisis that precedents can be overuled in the higher courts.


Somethin' special....
Nov 7, 2002
Back in the USSR
Yeah we did the Kevin case in legal, there was a doco to go with it. I can't actually remember, but I think they got the right to marry (Kevin used to be a woman?)


Jul 6, 2002
Sorry for the messy layout etc. I stole this from Casebase for you.

It's a list of all the cases that have referred to Corbett v Corbett, and whether they followed it etc. :)

The links probably won't work for you though.

<SPAN STYLE="font-weight: bold; color: red;">Corbett v Corbett&nbsp;</SPAN><img class="sig" id="sig" TITLE="Negative treatment indicated -
Click on help link for more information" ALT="Negative treatment indicated -
Click on help link for more information" src=""></p><p><script language="JavaScript" src=""></script><a id="cbsig_help" href="" target="_blank" class="link_small">Help with CaseBase signals</a></p><p>[1953] P 205; [1971] P 83; <a href="/lpBin20/lpext.dll?f=FifLink&amp;t=document-frame.htm&amp;l=jump&amp;iid=baller&amp;d=1970-2-ALLER-33#JD_1970-2-ALLER-33">[1970] 2 All ER 33</a>; [1970] 2 WLR 1306</p><p class="bodytext"><span class="emph">Judgment Date:</span> 2/2/1970</p><br><a name="Citing_cases"></a><table width="95%" border="0" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="0"><tr><td class="invis"><span class="h2">Cases referring to this case</span><script language="JavaScript" src=""></script>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="link_small" target="_blank" href="">help</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a id="case_top" class="link_small" href="#roof">top</a></td></tr></table><script language="JavaScript" src=""></script><table class="SC" id="SC" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" width="95%" style="border-width:1px; border-style:solid"><tr valign="top"><td class="top">Annotation</td><td class="top">Case Name</td><td class="top">Citations</td><td class="top">Court</td><td class="top" align="center"> Judgment<br>
Date</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc" align="center" class="top_centered"><b><span id="sig_head" class="sig_head">CaseBase<br>Signal</span></b></td></tr><tr class="neg" id="neg"><td><span class="c_neg"><span class="col_neg">Not Followed</span></span></td><td>Attorney-General for the Commonwealth v Kevin and Jennifer&nbsp;</td><td>(2003) 172 FLR 300; <a target="_blank" href="/cgi-bin/;jd=30-FAMLR-1&amp;nfo=famlr">(2003) 30 Fam LR 1</a>; (2003) EOC 93-265; (2003) FLC 93-127; [2003] FamCA 94&nbsp;</td><td>FamCt&nbsp;</td><td>21/2/2003&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_cit" class="link_cit" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_cit" id="sig_cit" src=""></a>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr class="neg" id="neg"><td><span class="c_neg"><span class="col_neg">Not Followed</span></span></td><td>Kevin: Validity of Marriage of Transsexual, Re&nbsp;</td><td>(2001) 165 FLR 404; <a target="_blank" href="/cgi-bin/;jd=28-FAMLR-158&amp;nfo=famlr">(2001) 28 Fam LR 158</a>; (2001) FLC 93-087; [2001] FamCA 1074&nbsp;</td><td>FamCt&nbsp;</td><td>12/10/2001&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_pos" class="link_pos" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Positive treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Positive treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_pos" id="sig_pos" src=""></a>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr class="neu" id="neu"><td><span class="c_neu"><span class="col_neu">Considered</span></span></td><td>Bellinger v Bellinger&nbsp;</td><td>[2001] All ER (D) 214 (Jul); [2001] EWCA Civ 1140; [2001] 3 FCR(UK) 1; [2002] Fam 150; <a href="/lpBin20/lpext.dll?f=FifLink&amp;t=document-frame.htm&amp;l=jump&amp;iid=baller&amp;d=2002-1-ALLER-311#JD_2002-1-ALLER-311">[2002] 1 All ER 311</a>; [2002] 2 WLR 411; [2001] 2 Fam Law R 1048&nbsp;</td><td>UKCA&nbsp;</td><td>17/7/2001&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_neg" class="link_neg" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Negative treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Negative treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_neg" id="sig_neg" src=""></a>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr class="neu" id="neu"><td><span class="c_neu"><span class="col_neu">Considered</span></span></td><td>W v W (Physical Inter-sex)&nbsp;</td><td>[2001] Fam 111; [2001] 2 WLR 674&nbsp;</td><td>FamD&nbsp;</td><td>10/10/2000&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_neu" class="link_neu" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Neutral treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Neutral treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_neu" id="sig_neu" src=""></a>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr class="neu" id="neu"><td><span class="c_neu"><span class="col_neu">Referred to</span></span></td><td>S-T (formerly J) v J&nbsp;</td><td>[1997] 1 FCR(UK) 349; [1998] Fam 103; <a href="/lpBin20/lpext.dll?f=FifLink&amp;t=document-frame.htm&amp;l=jump&amp;iid=baller&amp;d=1998-1-ALLER-431#JD_1998-1-ALLER-431">[1998] 1 All ER 431</a>; [1997] 3 WLR 1287; [1997] 1 Fam Law R 402&nbsp;</td><td>UKCA&nbsp;</td><td>21/11/1996&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_cau" class="link_cau" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Cautionary treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Cautionary treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_cau" id="sig_cau" src=""></a>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr class="neu" id="neu"><td><span class="c_neu"><span class="col_neu">Cited</span></span></td><td>Brown &amp; Commissioner of Superannuation, Re&nbsp;</td><td><a target="_blank" href="/cgi-bin/;jd=38-ALD-344&amp;nfo=baldec">(1995) 38 ALD 344</a>; (1995) 21 AAR 378&nbsp;</td><td>AAT&nbsp;</td><td>15/5/1995&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_neu" class="link_neu" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Neutral treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Neutral treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_neu" id="sig_neu" src=""></a>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr class="neg" id="neg"><td><span class="c_neg"><span class="col_neg">Not Followed</span></span></td><td>Attorney-General v Otahuhu Family Court&nbsp;</td><td>(1994) 12 FRNZ 643; <a href="/lpBin20/lpext.dll?f=FifLink&amp;t=document-frame.htm&amp;l=jump&amp;iid=nzlr&amp;d=19951_0603#JD_19951_0603">[1995] 1 NZLR 603</a>&nbsp;</td><td>HCtNZ&nbsp;</td><td>30/11/1994&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_neu" class="link_neu" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Neutral treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Neutral treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_neu" id="sig_neu" src=""></a>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr class="neg" id="neg"><td><span class="c_neg"><span class="col_neg">Not Followed</span>/ <span class="col_neu">Cited</span>/ <span class="col_cau">Distinguished</span>/ <span class="col_neu">See</span></span></td><td>Social Security, Department of v SRA&nbsp;</td><td>(1993) 43 FCR 299; <a target="_blank" href="/cgi-bin/;jd=118-ALR-467&amp;nfo=balr">(1993) 118 ALR 467</a>; <a target="_blank" href="/cgi-bin/;jd=31-ALD-1&amp;nfo=baldec">(1993) 31 ALD 1</a>; (1993) 18 AAR 498; (1993) 77 SSR 1130&nbsp;</td><td>FedCt&nbsp;</td><td>1/12/1993&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_pos" class="link_pos" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Positive treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Positive treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_pos" id="sig_pos" src=""></a>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr class="neu" id="neu"><td><span class="c_neu"><span class="col_neu">Cited</span></span></td><td>Social Security, Department of &amp; HH, Re&nbsp;</td><td><a target="_blank" href="/cgi-bin/;jd=23-ALD-58&amp;nfo=baldec">(1991) 23 ALD 58</a>; (1991) 13 AAR 314&nbsp;</td><td>AAT&nbsp;</td><td>23/4/1991&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_neg" class="link_neg" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Negative treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Negative treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_neg" id="sig_neg" src=""></a>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr class="neu" id="neu"><td><span class="c_neu"><span class="col_neu">Referred to</span></span></td><td>Cipars, In the Marriage of&nbsp;</td><td>(1989) 99 FLR 220; <a target="_blank" href="/cgi-bin/;jd=13-FAMLR-793&amp;nfo=famlr">(1989) 13 Fam LR 793</a>; (1990) FLC 92-122&nbsp;</td><td>FamCt&nbsp;</td><td>13/11/1989&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_neu" class="link_neu" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Neutral treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Neutral treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_neu" id="sig_neu" src=""></a>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr class="neu" id="neu"><td><span class="c_neu"><span class="col_neu">Considered</span></span></td><td>Cogley v R&nbsp;</td><td><a target="_blank" href="/cgi-bin/;jd=1989-VR-799&amp;nfo=vr">[1989] VR 799</a>; (1989) 41 A Crim R 198&nbsp;</td><td>VicCCA&nbsp;</td><td>21/4/1989&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_cau" class="link_cau" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Cautionary treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Cautionary treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_cau" id="sig_cau" src=""></a>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr class="neg" id="neg"><td><span class="c_neg"><span class="col_neg">Not Followed</span>/ <span class="col_pos">Followed</span></span></td><td>R v Harris &amp; McGuiness&nbsp;</td><td><a href="/lpBin20/lpext.dll?f=FifLink&amp;t=document-frame.htm&amp;l=jump&amp;iid=nswlr&amp;d=17-NSWLR-158#JD_17-NSWLR-158">(1988) 17 NSWLR 158</a>; (1988) 35 A Crim R 146&nbsp;</td><td>NSWCCA&nbsp;</td><td>31/10/1988&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_cau" class="link_cau" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Cautionary treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Cautionary treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_cau" id="sig_cau" src=""></a>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr class="pos" id="pos"><td><span class="c_pos"><span class="col_pos">Applied</span></span></td><td>R v Tan&nbsp;</td><td>[1983] QB 1053; <a href="/lpBin20/lpext.dll?f=FifLink&amp;t=document-frame.htm&amp;l=jump&amp;iid=baller&amp;d=1983-2-ALLER-12#JD_1983-2-ALLER-12">[1983] 2 All ER 12</a>; [1983] 3 WLR 361; (1983) 76 Cr App Rep 300&nbsp;</td><td>UKCA&nbsp;</td><td>10/2/1983&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_neg" class="link_neg" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Negative treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Negative treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_neg" id="sig_neg" src=""></a>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr class="pos" id="pos"><td><span class="c_pos"><span class="col_pos">Followed</span></span></td><td>Carlon, In the Marriage of&nbsp;</td><td><a target="_blank" href="/cgi-bin/;jd=8-FAMLR-729&amp;nfo=famlr">(1982) 8 Fam LR 729</a>; (1982) FLC 91-272&nbsp;</td><td>FamCt&nbsp;</td><td>4/11/1982&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_neg" class="link_neg" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Negative treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Negative treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_neg" id="sig_neg" src=""></a>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr class="neu" id="neu"><td><span class="c_neu"><span class="col_neu">Referred to</span></span></td><td>Vervaeke (formerly Messina) v Smith&nbsp;</td><td>[1983] 1 AC 145; <a href="/lpBin20/lpext.dll?f=FifLink&amp;t=document-frame.htm&amp;l=jump&amp;iid=baller&amp;d=1982-2-ALLER-144#JD_1982-2-ALLER-144">[1982] 2 All ER 144</a>; [1982] 2 WLR 855&nbsp;</td><td>HL&nbsp;</td><td>7/4/1982&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_pos" class="link_pos" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Positive treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Positive treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_pos" id="sig_pos" src=""></a>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr class="neu" id="neu"><td><span class="c_neu"><span class="col_neu">Cited</span></span></td><td>Gronow v Gronow&nbsp;</td><td>(1979) 144 CLR 513; <a target="_blank" href="/cgi-bin/;jd=29-ALR-129&amp;nfo=balr">(1979) 29 ALR 129</a>; (1979) 54 ALJR 243; <a target="_blank" href="/cgi-bin/;jd=5-FAMLR-719&amp;nfo=famlr">(1979) 5 Fam LR 719</a>; (1979) FLC 90-716&nbsp;</td><td>HCt&nbsp;</td><td>14/12/1979&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_cau" class="link_cau" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Cautionary treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Cautionary treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_cau" id="sig_cau" src=""></a>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr class="neu" id="neu"><td><span class="c_neu"><span class="col_neu">Referred to</span>/ <span class="col_neu">Cited</span></span></td><td>Laycock v Companies Auditors Board&nbsp;</td><td>(1979) 21 SASR 262; <a target="_blank" href="/cgi-bin/;jd=4-ACLR-125&amp;nfo=acsr">(1979) 4 ACLR 125</a>; (1979) CLC 40-535&nbsp;</td><td>SCSA&nbsp;</td><td>9/5/1979&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_pos" class="link_pos" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Positive treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Positive treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_pos" id="sig_pos" src=""></a>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr class="neu" id="neu"><td><span class="c_neu"><span class="col_neu">Cited</span></span></td><td>C &amp; D (falsely called C), In the Marriage of&nbsp;</td><td><a target="_blank" href="/cgi-bin/;jd=28-ALR-524&amp;nfo=balr">(1979) 28 ALR 524</a>; (1979) 35 FLR 340; <a target="_blank" href="/cgi-bin/;jd=5-FAMLR-636&amp;nfo=famlr">(1979) 5 Fam LR 636</a>; (1979) FLC 90-636&nbsp;</td><td>FamCt&nbsp;</td><td>20/4/1979&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_neg" class="link_neg" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Negative treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Negative treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_neg" id="sig_neg" src=""></a>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr class="pos" id="pos"><td><span class="c_pos"><span class="col_neu">Referred to</span>/ <span class="col_neu">Cited</span>/ <span class="col_pos">Applied</span></span></td><td>Miller, In the Marriage of&nbsp;</td><td>(1978) 30 FLR 561; <a target="_blank" href="/cgi-bin/;jd=4-FAMLR-34&amp;nfo=famlr">(1978) 4 Fam LR 34</a>; (1978) FLC 90-418&nbsp;</td><td>FamCt&nbsp;</td><td>23/11/1977&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_cit" class="link_cit" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_cit" id="sig_cit" src=""></a>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr class="neu" id="neu"><td><span class="c_neu"><span class="col_neu">Cited</span></span></td><td>Hayman, In the Marriage of&nbsp;</td><td><a target="_blank" href="/cgi-bin/;jd=14-ALR-216&amp;nfo=balr">(1976) 14 ALR 216</a>; (1976) 28 FLR 51; <a target="_blank" href="/cgi-bin/;jd=2-FAMLR-11558&amp;nfo=famlr">(1976) 2 Fam LR 11,558</a>; (1976) FLC 90-140&nbsp;</td><td>FamCt&nbsp;</td><td>6/12/1976&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_cau" class="link_cau" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Cautionary treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Cautionary treatment indicated -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_cau" id="sig_cau" src=""></a>&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br><a name="Citing_journal_articles"></a><p><span class="h2">Journal articles referring to this case</span><script language="JavaScript" src=""></script>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class="link_small" target="_blank" href="">help</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a id="case_top" class="link_small" href="#roof">top</a></p><table class="SJ" id="SJ" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" width="95%" style="border-width:1px; border-style:solid"><tr valign="top"><td class="top">Article Name</td><td class="top">Citation</td><td bgcolor="#cccccc" align="center" class="top_centered"><b><span id="sig_head" class="sig_head">CaseBase<br>Signal</span></b></td></tr><tr><td>Casenotes - Bellinger v Bellinger&nbsp;</td><td>(2003) 9(4) CFL 188&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_neu" class="link_neu" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_cit" id="sig_cit" src=""></a></td></tr><tr><td>The Right of Transsexual People to Marry in Australia Confirmed&nbsp;</td><td>(2003) 77(7) LIJ 58&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_neu" class="link_neu" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_cit" id="sig_cit" src=""></a></td></tr><tr><td>Making Sex: Law's Narratives of Sex, Gender and Identity&nbsp;</td><td>(2003) 23(1) LS 66&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_neu" class="link_neu" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_cit" id="sig_cit" src=""></a></td></tr><tr><td>Thinking Critically in Moments of Transgender Law Reform: Kevin and Jennifer v A-G for the Commonwealth&nbsp;</td><td>(2002) 11(2) GriffLR 309&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_neu" class="link_neu" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_cit" id="sig_cit" src=""></a></td></tr><tr><td>The Case of Kevin &amp; Jennifer - Transsexual Marriage in Australia&nbsp;</td><td>(2002) 76(8) LIJ 69&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_neu" class="link_neu" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_cit" id="sig_cit" src=""></a></td></tr><tr><td>What is the Harm in it Anyway? Re Kevin and the Recognition of Transsexual Marriage&nbsp;</td><td><a href="/lpBin20/lpext.dll?f=FifLink&amp;t=document-frame.htm&amp;l=jump&amp;iid=bajfl&amp;d=16AJFLp146#JD_16AJFLp146">(2002) 16(2) AJFL 146</a>&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_neu" class="link_neu" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_cit" id="sig_cit" src=""></a></td></tr><tr><td>One Step Beyond: New Zealand Judiciary and Transgender Law Reform&nbsp;</td><td>(2001) 26(3) AltLJ 130&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_neu" class="link_neu" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_cit" id="sig_cit" src=""></a></td></tr><tr><td>Legal Aspects of Gender Reassignment&nbsp;</td><td>(1998) 5 JLM 279&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_neu" class="link_neu" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_cit" id="sig_cit" src=""></a></td></tr><tr><td>Transsexual Rape - A Loophole Closed?&nbsp;</td><td>[1997] Crim LR 565&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_neu" class="link_neu" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_cit" id="sig_cit" src=""></a></td></tr><tr><td>More on the Denial of Financial Relief to Deceitful party to Void Marriage&nbsp;</td><td>(1997) 71 ALJ 589&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_neu" class="link_neu" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_cit" id="sig_cit" src=""></a></td></tr><tr><td>Recognising New Kinds of Direct Sex Discrimination&nbsp;</td><td>(1997) 60 MLR 334&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_neu" class="link_neu" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_cit" id="sig_cit" src=""></a></td></tr><tr><td>Attempting the "Impossible": The Case of Transsexual Rape&nbsp;</td><td>(1997) 21 Crim LJ 23&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_neu" class="link_neu" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_cit" id="sig_cit" src=""></a></td></tr><tr><td>Priscilla's Revenge: Or the Strange Case of Transsexual Law Reform in Vic&nbsp;</td><td>(1996) 20 MULR 871&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_neu" class="link_neu" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_cit" id="sig_cit" src=""></a></td></tr><tr><td>Judicial Uses of Transsexuality&nbsp;</td><td>(1996) 21(4) AltLJ 153&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_neu" class="link_neu" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry" ALT="Citation information only -
Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_cit" id="sig_cit" src=""></a></td></tr><tr><td>Marrying law &amp; custom&nbsp;</td><td>(1995) 20(1) AltLJ 23&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_neu" class="link_neu" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Citation information only -
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Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_cit" id="sig_cit" src=""></a></td></tr><tr><td>Transsexuals &amp; Social Security Law: the Return of Gonad the Barbarian&nbsp;</td><td>(1994) 8 AJFL 166&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_neu" class="link_neu" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Citation information only -
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Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_cit" id="sig_cit" src=""></a></td></tr><tr><td>When is a Wife....?&nbsp;</td><td>(1993) 7 AJFL 274&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_neu" class="link_neu" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Citation information only -
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Click for CaseBase entry"><img border="0" class="sig_cit" id="sig_cit" src=""></a></td></tr><tr><td>New Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act: An outline&nbsp;</td><td>(1992) 22 QLSJ 7&nbsp;</td><td class="centered"><a target="_blank" id="link_neu" class="link_neu" href="/cgi-bin/;nfo=pinkrib" TITLE="Citation information only -
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Mar 30, 2003
hello all. thanks for your help. also fond this information if anyone was interested...

In 1998 Kevin & Jennifer received an inconclusive response to a letter they had written to the Attorney-General asking whether their proposed marriage would be legal. Kevin is a transsexual and was born a woman. Kevin & Jennifer found a marriage celebrant willing to perform the ceremony and were subsequently married in August 1999. In October 1999 Kevin & Jennifer sought a declaration of validity for their marriage from the Family Court of Australia. The Commonwealth Attorney-General intervened to oppose the application.

The state of the law
The law in Australia on transsexual marriage was undeclared. There were two main common law decisions that might decide the case in Australia: one case from the UK; another from New Zealand. The case of Corbett v Corbett (otherwise Ashley) [1971] P83 was decided in the UK in the early 1970s. Ormrod J had found that gender is determined at birth by examining three biological factors: chromosomes; gonads; and genitals. His Honours decision was influential throughout the common law world for many years to come.

In Australia there was also a line of authority that rejected the Corbett view: R v Harris and McGuiness (1988) 17 NSWLR 158;Secretary, Department of Social Security v SRA (1993) 118 ALR 467. These decisions recognised that a post-operative transsexual person could be treated as a member of his or her adopted sex for the purposes of criminal law and social security law. There was no decision on whether the same could be said for marriage law.

In 1995 a New Zealand court chose not to follow Corbett. In the case of Attorney-General v Otahuhu Family Court [1995] 1 NZLR 603 Ellis J found, as a matter of social justice and public policy, that if a transsexual has willing undergone therapy and surgery to change his or her genitalia, then the law should accept the gender re-assignment.

All of these decisions were decisions at first instance, i.e. decisions of only one judge. Other cases in the US and the UK had unsuccessfully tried to overturn Corbett.

The Corbett decision has finally been laid to rest. The gender on a birth certificate, which is based purely on an examination of external genitalia at birth, is now only prima facie evidence of gender but it can no longer be considered conclusive. As Ms Wallbank says, what is between the ears is more determinative than what is between the legs.

The courage of Kevin and Jennifer and their legal counsel, Ms Rachel Wallbank, stands as inspiration for all those who struggle for human dignity and the right of all individuals to pursue their own ideal of happiness.


Highest Member
Feb 18, 2003
Originally posted by Asquithian
arrrrrrrrrggggggeeeeeee legal research !!!!!!!!
hah :)
yeh...stupid legal research book with so much stuff to do~


Aug 26, 2003
so transgender marriages are not legally recognised, but in the kevin case, the legislation was successfully challenged??


Mar 30, 2003

"The Corbett decision has finally been laid to rest. The gender on a birth certificate, which is based purely on an examination of external genitalia at birth, is now only prima facie evidence of gender but it can no longer be considered conclusive."

mean transgender marriages are recognised???


Somethin' special....
Nov 7, 2002
Back in the USSR
Yep, I found my case sheet on this this morning. The judge allowed the marriage because it was considered at the time of the marriage that Kevin was a man, and could not have fit into society as a woman.

This is considered to be a grey area currently, with the legislation still stating that marriage must be between a man and a woman, but the confusion comes with the definition of a woman, in 'Kevin' the judge held that Kevins sex AT THE TIME OF MARRIAGE was male, and thus the marriage was valid.


Somethin' special....
Nov 7, 2002
Back in the USSR
If anyone wants the entire case brief on this, pm me and I'll try and organise a copy to be sent out (through the mail, Im not typing the whole thing out!!)


New Member
Sep 28, 2003
my legal teacher mentioned that it was also based on whether society views that person to be male or female. In the case of Kevin, this would be male. I'm pretty sure these marriages can be valid now. It is a confusing subject at times, isn't it?!


Mar 31, 2003
yer, i did alot of research on the keven case for an assement. the reason it was valid was that kevin was reconised by socity as a male. He or she or whatever also got "their" legal documentations changed such as birth cirtificate ect. so therefor it was jst a marriage between a male and female


Somethin' special....
Nov 7, 2002
Back in the USSR
You've gotta wonder what the wife was thinking? I mean, was she really a lesbian? Its gotta screw you up marrying someone that used to have the same bits as you (when you aren't actually gay).


Extraordinary Machine
Aug 25, 2003
Beside you.
yeah in NSW and SA ppl who have had a legit sex change are now recognised as the "brain sex" that they are. now. so 2 men could marry each other but one has to be officially a woman. they change birth certificates and everything.

hope this makes some sense!


Somethin' special....
Nov 7, 2002
Back in the USSR
its not as simple as changing birth certificates.They have to present and be accepted by society as the sex they have changed to. One man cannot simply change the sex on his birth certificate so the two can marry


New Member
Oct 5, 2003
i am almost positive that the kevin case changed the law so that marriage was legal between a man and woman according to their genders as of the day they are married and recognised as amongst their family and friends i.e. society not the gender at birth
for more detailed information visit the Austlii website


Somethin' special....
Nov 7, 2002
Back in the USSR
It is not a law--it will be a law when it is legislated. However, this has set a common law precedent which will have to be considered by Judges of lower courts when making decisions regarding circumstances such as Kevin's. But if you say straight out in an essay that a transexual man may now marry a woman you are wrong.

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