in the Buffy ep Once More With Feeling, the part that Anya sings in the i've got a theory song "i've got a theory it could be bunnies... or maybe midgets?" bleh, not so good when you take it out of context
i love in omce more with feeling dawn comes in and says "OMg you would not beleive what ahppened today..."
Buffy (sounding depressed) everyone started singing and dancing
Dawn (beat): i gave birth to a pterodactyl
Anya: OMG did it sing.
"I've got something in my front pocket for you
Why don't you reach down in my pocket and see what it is
Then grab onto it, it's just for you
Give a little squeeze and say, "How do you do?"
There's something in my front pocket, There's something in my front pocket,
There's something in my front pocket "
The song that butters danced to on this week's South Park.