I'm having trouble with this unit.
I've been caught up in a lot of shit and entertainment (not knowing when uni started, not organised with enrollments when uni already started, being in melbourne for the past week)
On top of that I have only 2 books so far, 1 i received today in the mail which is... FIM
So you can imagine, I've been playing a shit load of catchup
Now, with this unit. I can't find what the hell is the homework. In tutorial program it says the sub chapters. Do we have to like summarise this? I can't see any questions labeled 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.6 etc...
I'm so confused of what we actually have to do in this...
Now in the lectures, i had the most embarrassing moment. I fell asleep, and i was the only one left in the theatre apart from a few people talking to the lecturer.