Uni is...ok I spose.
If I could, I'd transfer down to Wollongong.
The Maths and Arts department of Syd are freakin awesome. Nice people, good lecturer's etc. However, I've found that the IT department of Syd, well, sucks.
Most of the people I've met in the IT courses seem really stuck-up and reluctant to know anyone. The facilities for IT really aren't too good either

Don't get me started on my SOFT1001 tutor =/
Yeah, if I could, I'd go back and start at Wollongong instead of Sydney. And seeing as I can't change mid-semester, and I'll be too far behind after a semester, I guess I'm stuck here

That being said, most of the people at Syd are awesome

The atmosphere's great and most teachers etc are really good. Seems to be limited to IT.
Oh well. I'll just not go to my IT classes, only my maths and french. It's only 1/2 my course, they won't mind