Well excuse me!!!!
I have just switched out of Health and Sport after 2 years completing this degree and have worked my ass off at the uni!
I know to many of you "academics" we look bludgy cause we go and play sport on the med lawn, or chill in the sun when we are not in class, but we all work bloody hard to get where we are considering our course is looked upon by the uni as a degree in medicine!
And to correct the idot who tried to claim we were going to end up personal trainers, any monkey can become a personal trainer, just go to TAFE. If you researched your response correctly you would notice that we come out as dietitians, cardiac and muscle rehabilitation experts, and exercise physiologists.
Many of the students, as I have done continue on to become doctors and specialists in areas of health, sport, exercise and physiology.
Don't attack courses you have no clue over, or don't understand! If you want to bag out a course, look at the wannabe medical students in the med science program!