Forum Rules (1 Viewer)

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Aug 17, 2002

There are six basic rules:

(1) Members may not engage in discourse which is highly offensive.

(2) Members must reference any articles they post.

(3) Members may not post spam

(4) Members may not harass other members.


(5) Mods must provide reasons for thread closure.

(6) Members may appeal to super-mods or admins.


The Rules in Detail

If you want to know exactly how they are applied, you can read about it here.

Section 1: Offensive posts

1. Members may not engage in discourse which is highly offensive (or would be considered flaming)

2. "Highly offensive" means:

(a) racist in nature, or
(b) maliciously or excessively sexist, or
(c) excessively rude, being very insulting to a reasonable person of ordinary sensibilities.

3. A post will not be offensive if it is clear that a reasonable person of ordinary sensibilities would consider that, in the context of the thread and surrounding posts, the rudeness was intended playfully.

4. Posts do not have to be politically correct.

5. It is not a defence to this section that the comments made in an offensive post were the result of religious beliefs.
(Moderators will use discretion on this point)

6. No gaslighting (posting content to undermine the wellbeing individual members of the forum)

7. No posting controversial content just to provoke others negatively rather than helpful discussion

Of course, it is ok to be offended, especially if they express a different view (e.g. politics or religion) to you. Sometimes there is a grey area on what people would consider offensive. Just because you have been offended by a post does not mean it is in violation of note #7 above. However, we will monitor repeat offenders, who are deliberately trying to provoke particular groups. Meaningful discussion is better.

Also, outrage or criticism over morals, beliefs and practices of a particular culture, religion, moral ground, political stance etc. are fine but again must promote healthy discussion of ideas, seasoned (appropriate language) and justified (ground evidence) without the need to result to flaming or insults (even if they are grounded in evidence). Strong emotion responses with regards to outrage and disgust need to be expressed appropriately with regards to other forum members.

(Moderators will use their judgement as to when something is out of hand)

Section 2: Referencing

Members must reference any articles they post.

(The purpose of this rule is two-fold. First to prevent Copyright infringment, and second to allow everyone to check the validity and source of the information or opinion.)

Section 3: Spam

1. Members may not post spam.

2. Consideration of whether the post constitutes "spam" will be determined with regard to whether the post:

(a) is overly irrelevant to the forum or particular thread topic;
(b) is significantly inhibitive of fruitful discussion;
(c) would unreasonably irritate members by way of nonsensical content;
(d) would unreasonably irritate members by way of repeating previous threads or posts;
(e) would be better suited for the "non-school" forum.

3. This includes posting debates about the same topic in multiple threads. Debates about for instance a particular topic, belief or ideology should be contained. Moderators will use discretion as to when a post is out of hand.

4. This includes excessive trolling. Please use non-school for non serious discussions.

Section 4: Members may not harass other members

1. Members may not harass other members.

2. Harassment involves:

(a) repeated insults towards a particular member or members; and
(b) the insults were made during a period of less than one month; and
(c) the insults would be considered highly offensive, distressing or consistently very annoying by a reasonable person of ordinary sensibilities; and
(d) the insults are consistently unwarranted and unprovoked.

3. No 'doxxing' or posting of private information of other members, such as names, contact information, addresses and school attended; this includes means or references (e.g. cryptic references) that any reasonable person would be able to use to acquire or determine such information about a person.

Section 5: Reasons for thread closure

1. A moderator may not close a thread without a reason being published at the time of the closure, or soon thereafter.

2. The reason provided must be reasonable but does not need to be sufficiently detailed.

Section 6: Appeals

If a member feels aggrieved and wishes to appeal a decision made by a moderator, they may appeal to a super-moderator or an administrator.

Please note that frivolous and vexatious appeals will not be looked upon favourably.

Section 7: Penalties

1. A breach of these regulations may result in one or more of the following actions being taken:

(a) a warning issued to the offending member;
(b) deletion or closure of relevant posts or threads;
(c) banning of the offending member.

2. In determination of the penalty to be applied, consideration will be given to:

(a) any previous offences by that member; and
(b) and previous warnings issued to that member; and
(c) the severity and nature of the breach; and
(d) any apparent legitimate attempts made to mitigate the harm caused, not including private messaging;
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Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
A new rule to add to the above - any member posting a video link must provide a brief yet accurate description of what is contained within the file. Links that are not accompanied by a description will be deleted and the member in question will receive a PM asking that this particular rule be observed. Should the member's settings prevent a PM being sent, the post in question will be moved to the Contact Moderators in order to allow the the request to appear in more private setting than the forum at large allows.
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Mar 9, 2004
Section 7 (e) on benefactors is now void; benefactors no longer exist.


Jun 3, 2014
South of here
Uni Grad
Added subsections (6) and (7) to Section 1 with clarification; to reminder members not to abuse free speech to deliberately provoke members.

Added subsection (3) and (4) to Section 3, as some users think it is appropriate to discuss the same controversial topic across several threads, thereby spamming the forum for the effect of provoking others.

Added subsection (3) of Section 4 to clarify.
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