Bored Member
Thanks.mr EaZy said:u dont do any written tests right? like the aptitude tests the guys from MIB make u do....
And lastly, how come the air force selcetion is much more tougher?
I can't go into detail on the stuff you have to do during the OSB, but you do need to write an essay on either: a terrorist hostage situation in an embassy or rescuing someone from a burning house using limited tools. The teamwork exercise is in the form of an obstacle course, and it's advised that the group is clear about taking turns to express their ideas. Good sportsmanship is also good.
The RAAF OSB is tougher because panel members ask you, for no apparent reason and without any warning, "what's 22 x 15?", or "if a plane is cruising at ___ feet travelling at ___ and there's a mountain ___ km high and __m far away at what inclination will you have to maintain to fly over the mountain safely?". The latter is just for pilot I think. But the numerical questions can go on and on, and chain together. I.e, (8x12, then minus 22, x2, / 3, +140, /10, -60, answer?) and maybe a pythagoras' triangle question.
Having done the obstacle course, I'm now planning how to complete it in the most efficient way possible. I might also go and start an altercation with some easily-pissed off people to sharpen my aggressiveness and combat skills. It's all good.
Free Fare Day was good.