yeh the whole kangaroo thing was a bit weird, I had to pay more attention the second time through to make sure that I didnt just imagine myself hearing something
anyway - i thought the internet (15 mark-er) reading/responding wasn't too bad. As long as you can talk in the past you can get a bunch of tenses in (pluperfect, imparfait, passe compose, past subjunctive) and then at the end you just state your thoughts on it in the present and maybe a thought to the future and you're set

I just hope I got the accuracy in the writing as close to perfect as possible.
The morning after I was going over the exam in my head and I thought to myself; "Oh shit, I used 'propre' instead of 'nettoyer' (as i wanted a verb not noun)".
Oh well, the price one pays when they don't use the dictionary
Hope everyone else did well, and good luck with all your other exams past and coming up. I'll be there in a year