Further101 - FREE VCE Further/General Mathematics YouTube Textbook (1 Viewer)


New Member
Sep 7, 2017
Hi Everyone,

My name is Jake. I've decided to create a YouTube project called Further101, with a goal to eventually cover the entire Further Mathematics syllabus (2016 - 2020) - an online video textbook, if you will - as well as walking through example questions and past exam questions, all for free and for the benefit of ALL students. The links are:

YouTube: http://tiny.cc/Further101-Youtube [Subscribe and allow notifications to keep up to date with all the latest uploads]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Further101/

I've only just started this project, with a few videos up already. I'd love for more students to use this completely free resource and provide their feedback. Particularly, I'd love to hear what students would like to see uploaded over the next 2 months leading up to exams - perhaps its one of the new areas added to the syllabus (such as working with latitude and longitude), or an older but tricky area (perhaps linear programming or financial maths), or even a hard question from a former exam (especially the 2017 exams). I'd also love to hear some feedback on my presentation style and quality of videos - anything that delivers a better resource for the students.

And above all, I want students to actually use my videos!

I'd like to stress that this is a completely free project and is not attached to any paid tutoring service. I wanted to create a free, comprehensive, high quality resource accessible to ALL Further and General students. Hopefully the mere fact that its free and of a fairly high quality will motivate students to use this additional resource when they may not typically do so, and improve their grades.

My email is furthermath101@gmail is you have any questions.



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