Gangs (2 Viewers)

Jonathan A

Active Member
Aug 20, 2004
Inner West
tattoodguy said:
mr jonathan - im a gun at legal studies i got top 10% for it in hsc, but yeah it was a while ago.

tell me more.
Law students are told that a top gun in legal studies doesn't make you a gun in understanding the workings of the legal system. I congratulate you on your terriffic work. But legal studies has a tendancy as you have shown to exaggerate legal issues. And its a problem.

so that doesnt constitute a crime - if you sort of say u can make good money selling drugs etc- u can make good money doing bank robberies
u know you could joke about something say - we should rob a bank etc etc? thats not a crime hey? when ur just playing around?.

You probably wouldn't be charged with that. And how do you prove it? Most evidence presented would be hearsay, that's inadmissable.

is there a crime where u have information about a crime, but u dont tell the police?

You don't have to say anything to the police. But certain obligations may compell you to. An example is in fraud cases. You may have a contract which requires you to cooperate. If you don't, you breach the contract. Workplace laws, in particular within the public service often require its employees to disclose information.

whats the rules relating to recruiting children to commmit crimes.

THe crimes act usually notes these and gives harsher penalties.

there was a case where some dude he lives over seas, he was shot and his wife and maybe he was a witness to that edward leee dude who got killed - the police want to go and get him ----- even though he is a victim they want to persecute him --- doesnt that discust you? the police ruined the guys life and he is innocent and they are harassing him? or have i missed something.

I think you're missing a lot here. I would need to look into it further.

Telll me the rules legal genius - can the police search ur car randomly?

Its under the police powers act. Car can be searched where its seen as unroadworthy or been involved (or suspected of) in a serious criminal offence.

can they search you on the street randomly?

Think so.

also u know the police they search like 20 peoples homes in dawn raids etc, u know that type of thing - how does that work - one person commits a crime so they go and harrasss and search everyone he knows?

Search warrants.

thank you for enlightening me

I might have not replied but you are welcome.


Neurotic To The Bone
Mar 15, 2005
Castle Hill, Sydney
Gangs are just groups of people with a common interest. The gangs portrayed in the media are usually ones who share criminal interests!In my opinion, gangs can range from groups of juvenile delinquents to intricate bodies of ingeniously organised crime.


the Cho is great
Dec 27, 2004
Gangs are scum of society. They're people who are insecure so think they may look bigger in a group. Bloody wankers.


Jun 27, 2004
no i dont want to commit any crimes - im just curious how rediculous our laws are and how invasive they are and what powers police have to harrrassss decent citizens.

mr jonathan - find out if ur right about the police can search people randomly - i think your wrong there.

I think they do it rather randomly but i dont think they have a right tooo.

If your on the street minding ur own business can the police ask you for ur name and adresss etc? are you compellled to give it?

About the search warrant thing and the dawn raids - but i mean what sort of evidence would they need to give a judge to search 10 pppples houses all at once? is merely knowing a criminal sufficient for your house to be searched?

What do police need to put a phone tap on ur phone. If a junky rang a drug dealer would that be sufficient?

would they bother going after drug adddicts or just concentrate on drug dealers?

What sort of work has ur dad done mr johanthan? what areas of the police has he been involved in?

you said it would be here say if you said - lets rob a bank, bank robbbing is good money etc etc - but thats not here say thats direct evidence.

How does it work - if a criminal gets busted and tries to dob u in? is that all the evidence police need to arrrest you? and then in court you can be thrown in jail pretty much solely on the word of a criminal? how does such a thing work.

Werent they trying to do that in the kanan lakemba police shooting - there was no evidence only the words of criminals verse that guy - i think thats what it said? isnt that a bit rediculous?
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Jun 27, 2004
just out of curiousity - u say being in a gang isnt a crime/

but would being in a gang give police the right to search you under reasonalbe suspician etc?

White Rabbit

Bloody Shitcakes
May 26, 2003
It depends if the people you associate with are known criminals. If they are, your close attachment to them would give police reasonable cause, I would think.


Jun 27, 2004
thats unreasonable. just because you know someone whos a criminal - that shouldnt make you a criminal.

you dont know every single thing about the ppple you associate with.

why should the police storm your house, kick down ur dooor and put guns on ur family, just because you happen to know someone who is an alledged criminal.

What a load of shit.

Did u guys seeee accurent affair. a cop was crying - because a dude jumped of a balcony .

Did u seee the dude in the car, the cop was talking shit, so he civilian told him to take his uniform offf and setttle it like a man -- and the cop wouldnt.

The cop talks shit acts all tufff, and then wen the civilian recipicates the cop is like u said a bad word - im going to press charges.

Thats pure weaknessss.

if you want to be a bad cunt and talk shit, you dont run and hide behind ur badge. Thats not what a real man does.


Jun 27, 2004

AN EXAMPLE of the confrontations police nearly always experienced in Muslim-dominated areas when confronting even the most minor of crimes is an incident that occurred in 2001 in Auburn. Two uniformed officers stopped a motor vehicle containing three well known male offenders of Middle Eastern origin, on credible information via the police radio that indicated that the occupants of the vehicle had been involved in a series of break-and-enters. What occurred during the next few hours can only be described as frightening.

When searching the vehicle and finding stolen property from the break-and-enter, the police were physically threatened by the three occupants of the car, including references to tracking down where the officers lived, killing them and “fucking your girlfriends”. The two officers were intimidated to the point of retreating to their police car and calling for urgent assistance. When police back-up arrived, the three occupants called their associates via their mobile phones, which incidentally is the Middle Eastern radio network used to communicate amongst gangs. Within minutes as many as twenty associates arrived as well as another forty or so from the street where they had been stopped. As further police cars arrived, the Middle Eastern males became even more aggressive, throwing punches at police, pushing police over onto the ground, threatening them with violence and damaging police vehicles.

When the duty officer arrived, he immediately ordered all police back into their vehicles and they retreated from the scene. The stolen property was not recovered. No offender was arrested for assaulting police or damaging police vehicles.

But the humiliation did not end there. The group of Middle Eastern males then drove to the police station, where they intimidated the station staff, damaged property and virtually held a suburban police station hostage. The police were powerless. The duty officer ordered police not to confront the offenders but to call for back-up from nearby stations. Eventually the offenders left of their own volition. No action was taken against them.

what the fuck is this ?????????/

is this a true story?

or just bull shit. anyone know?


Jun 27, 2004

This is an extension of the post 9-11 crack-down on democratic rights in the name of fighting “terrorism”.

After 9-11 new state police powers and ASIO laws were passed which deny citizens, amongst other things, the right to the presumption of innocence, the right to a lawyer and now even the right to public comment on your treatment whilst under investigation. This is what has led to the highly publicised ASIO raids on innocent people’s homes in Sydney’s south-west

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