New Member
Okay Look i personally based on the answers provided on this site got between 60 - 70% on that test! everyone here saying they got 90%+ is giveing me a really bad impression and makeing me feel very bad about the whole hsc result in general. I am 5/38 in my school assesment and people at my school found it challengeing either we did poorly or the whole state did so much better then us
i certainly hope not and anybody out there that could perhaps increase my self esiteme and expectation from the the test would be appreciated AND also give there thoughts on the test and its scaleing, or possible scaleing. Is say low 60's okay? will it be scaled down? left alone or what? i have seen alot of english exams RAW marks get serverly scaled 72/105 gives a mid band 5! etc. General maths wont be the same as i know but i hope it at least increases slightly. The majority of people out there would have preformed badly and how does your exam marks get moderated based on school performace by students ranking and so on? explaination of this would be appreciated.
Kind Regards,
Please reply! honest answers appreciated!
Kind Regards,
Please reply! honest answers appreciated!