Hi my subjects at the moment are Std. English, Modern History, 2 Unit Maths, Physics, and IT. I'm aiming for a UAI of 90. I slacked off a lot in school from years 8 - 11, this has really affected my maths marks (the rest of my subjects seem fine as you don't need previous knowledge, IMO). I did one General Maths test in year 11 and got 91% with no study. My 2 Unit marks (with a bit of study) are around 60%.
At the moment I'm doing 2 Unit and Physics via distance ed, if I did General I would have a teacher and this would obviously make the subject easier. Would getting 90 (or greater) in General be better than getting 65 - 70 in 2 Unit?
Thank you for any help.
At the moment I'm doing 2 Unit and Physics via distance ed, if I did General I would have a teacher and this would obviously make the subject easier. Would getting 90 (or greater) in General be better than getting 65 - 70 in 2 Unit?
Thank you for any help.