Well, this is what I wrote
I wrote like you can use it in the context of the clothing shop, so when you buy clothes, it can store information about costs, size, what season, how much, information like that to be stored on the database. I went on like further this can be used by OLAP for data mining and stuff for trend analysis stuff , because of the question before was about data mining. How much marks would that be?. I wrote like 2 pages, so there is more, basic outline.
ok well, firstly, i ain't no HSC marker and as much as i can try to think like one, i ain't ever gonna be one. so sorry bro, i cant tell you exactly how many marks.
well, is this for TPS or multimedia. Im going to guess its for TPS.
Did you mention RFID. I think that in an earlier post you said you didnt.
if we use my made-up guidlines (hehe) then let's see how you went:
1- States or identifies an aspect or quality of the TPS or Multimedia System
- you did that by saying the storing costs and OLAP
2- Shows understanding of the way that the current system works
- data base queries for data mining beccause thats what the dog tag system did
3- Describes a context where the current TPS or Multimedia system could be used
- yes because its a clothing shop - i.e a different context
4- Clearly describes a context where the current TPS or Multimedia system could be used
idk what the difference is between these two, so idk. depends on your style of writing or whatever.
5- Clearly discusses a context where the current TPS or Multimedia system could be used with a understanding of how it would work/ issues/ idk
- depends on what sort of detail. if youtalked about adv/disv then thats good, idk tho.
so maybe 3-5 marks??? IDK HONESTLY