Re: The UTS 'Secks and Last Minute Cram Time' Thread
Musk said:
lol there has been a few jokes been made out for business an arts students on the engineering forum on UTS online :rofl:
do you guys have faculty forums?
i wont be surpised if business didnt
goan_crazy said:
do we have UTS online discussion board?
yeah we do
or r u talkin about something else
ps happy bday
I don't think we have a general Business UTSOnline discussion board. I don't think it would be very interesting if we did have one... probably spammed with textbook sales etc.
Talking about UTSOnline, those people who use UTSOnline to do a mass subject email (other than the subject coordinator) should be shot.
jasee said:
Happy Birthday Huratio
yay! Mines on Wednesday...Gemini's rock!
Thanks jasee!! lol:
Happy Birthday from Bored of Studies
From: Bored of Studies (
Sent:Monday, 11 June 2007 12:12:45 AM
To: **
Hello Huratio, We at Bored of Studies would like to wish you a happy birthday today!
kami said:
I disappear for a short while and there are so many bannings, deletions and an NS flooding. *confused*
I've got several essays due, I shall fail them all.
Yeah. Wtf.. Musk and jemsta are banned.