General UTS chit-chat (1 Viewer)


Moderator - UTS
Jun 24, 2004
Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome To Your New Mod!' Thread

Musk said:
how do you change it?
User CP --> Edit Options --> Number of Posts to Show Per Page (under Thread Display Options).

Mine says 'Use Forum Default' so it has reached 200 pages. We are close to chasing down the 3000th post too =)


I sit here alone
Apr 6, 2005
Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome To Your New Mod!' Thread

im gonna invite 50 so you can shout me a case.
i doubt youll do it though.


Sep 23, 2004
Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome To Your New Mod!' Thread

I (heart) UTS = I (heart) HECS increases.

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I sit here alone
Apr 6, 2005
Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome To Your New Mod!' Thread

vote 1 for the hippies =D


I sit here alone
Apr 6, 2005
Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome To Your New Mod!' Thread

hahaha how was the uni party man?
much sexytime?


Ára bátur
Nov 5, 2004
Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome To Your New Mod!' Thread

Malfoy said:
I'm just sick of coming into UTS and working 12-hour days helping my friends out to find all of our posters have been defaced by those guys when we have a policy of not even covering theirs over if we can help it.
I believe it was only a few of your posters that were defaced. Not all of them.

Malfoy said:
This is much more civil than last night, hopefully. I don't apologise for what I said (and backstory dictates that I'll defend at least a couple of these guys til the death if I have to) but yeah... mitigating factors (and a very strong hope that my doctor will adjust my medication so I don't fire up like this for too much longer, I can't campaign in this state. *sigh/insert long rant about long-term illness here*)
You can still think about what you're about to post and how it may affect a person before you hit the submit reply button can't you?


New Member
Oct 12, 2007
Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome To Your New Mod!' Thread

Musk said:
Also to add, there are worst countries out there than US and Howard with the war in Iraq, why not say something about Burma, or the human rights abuse in china?
Because the Australian Gov't doesn't support those abuses, in fact it openly opposes them. This is how they are different from the Iraq situation. "Stop complaining, its could be worse" is not a valid justification for bad, expensive and stupid decisions which get people killed.

By that logic we should actually stop opposing the attrocities in Burma and China 'cause hey, there's plenty of worse things that have happened...

Musk said:
Actually you know whats the most corrupt thing about you lot, you say you support renewable energy whist none of you lot are solar energy/renewable engineers. But journalists expecting us cunts to do all the work for you; you don't fully support solar power unless you are committed to being apart of the solution and enroll into renewable engineering at UNSW.
To suggest that to support a cause requires you to be scientifically involved in the development of a solution is patently absurd. You don't have to be studying photovoltaics or any other kind of engineering to support renewable energy.

I must say, the I <3 UTS ticket aren't making a particularly good impression on me here... Maybe you could try being rational and making valid points instead of slinging abuse, hmm?


Sep 23, 2004
Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome To Your New Mod!' Thread

Musk said:
Any educated person would know that this organisation sets HECS and if one group of students told them to get fucked , they just wouldn't care. Its like VSU, you morons just couldn't stfu of crisiting Howard and thus he fucked you back....hard.

I'm not a fan of Howard or Rudd (swinger voter) but i know Howard got the last laugh and Rudd wont do anything.

Besides if you cunts were so effective then why does no one sign up to SA nor the union?

Also to add, there are worst countries out there than US and Howard with the war in Iraq, why not say something about Burma, or the human rights abuse in china?

AND the most shameful thing, you protect muslims whilst you don't approach them during elections. You don't support students, you support yourselves.

Actually you know whats the most corrupt thing about you lot, you say you support renewable energy whist none of you lot are solar energy/renewable engineers. But journalists expecting us cunts to do all the work for you; you don't fully support solar power unless you are committed to being apart of the solution and enroll into renewable engineering at UNSW.

Ill give you a head start

here is the link for uac (

and here is the link for UNSW for the School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Engineering (

1. Is it really necessary for you to keep referring to us as "c*nts"? Stop hurling abuse. It's not necessary.

2. The SRC/Student's Association represents students at a state and national level; during elections, the student body elects student representatives for NUS (National Union of Students), and that's where action can be taken on a national level. Yes, it is the Australian Government that sets HECS, which is why we need strong student organisations to lobby against HECS increases. In the most recent HECS increase, the Federal Government initially increased HECS by 30%. It was through student action that this was brought down to 25%. This may not be a huge success, but it was better than nothing, and it was through student action that this was achieved.

In the mid-late 90s, it was through student action that VSU was successfully blocked. The SRCs from UTS, UNSW and USYD rallied up thousands of students to march down George St in protest, and it worked. Unfortunately,i in more recent times, it has not been as successful, but that does not mean that student organisations should give up.

3. Since the introduction of VSU, student unions and SAs from all universities have experienced a huge decline in numbers. I would not say that this reflects the effectiveness of the SA or the Union; rather, I would say that when something isn't compulsory, students are less likely to dish out hundreds of dollars to join something. Then again, neither of us have adequate research or statistics to prove this, so I don't think it's fair for either of us to make a claim about the effectiveness of the SA.

4. The Student's Association at UTS allows ANY UTS student to come in and start a campaign -- this year they ran the "Enrol to Vote" campaign which involved the free BBQ, and someone else started the "Make Howard History" campaign. The leaders of the SA do not decide which campaigns are run, instead, ordinary students with certain views and agendas come in and ask the SA to help them run their own campaigns. If some UTS students want to speak out about Bush and Iraq, then so be it. If any students would like to start a campaign about Burma, then they are more than welcome to.

5. I think it's a bit ironic that you would claim that the Go! team have not approached Muslim students, seeing that our entire team has spoken to students for the past two weeks around all the UTS campuses, whereas I (heart) UTS have not. We have spoken at lectures large and small, we've frequented the cafes and union eateries everyday to speak one-on-one with students (regardless of their ethnic/religious/sexual background, we have approached them to ask them for their thoughts on the SA and Vertigo, and shared our policies with them). We've even gone to tutorials to speak to students. Your claim does not hold.

6. Since when did someone have to be a solar/renewable engineer to support solar power or renewable energy? That's just silly. If someone supports a cure for cancer, does that mean they have to become a scientist or medical researcher? If someone supports quality education, does that mean they have to become a teacher? And FYI, all the journalism students on the Go! team are running for Vertigo... y'know...the student NEWSPAPER, not that this would matter of course, because, clearly, all journalism students are corrupt scum who don't care about the environment?

7. With regards to your posters, Kamal struck a deal with us to not cover our posters if we did not cover I (heart) UTS's. We agreed. What did we find when we came in the next day? That I (heart) UTS had covered over the Go! posters. Thus, the deal was broken. Go! posters were also defaced with personal insults and we had to go around pulling down ours too. Also, it's election time -- I don't think anyone can complain about having long days. I don't think that anyone can play the victim here.

8. You keep telling us to stop making generalisations about I (Heart) UTS being a conservative Liberal ticket; maybe you should stop making generalisations about the Go! team being corrupt "c*unts", based on the grounds that I do journalism. Silly.
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Sep 23, 2004
Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome To Your New Mod!' Thread

Malfoy said:
Who said you were corrupt (don't want to use the other word)? I certainly didn't. I wasn't happy about the posters, to be sure, but not liking personal attacks =/= calling you corrupt. And what does doing Journalism have to do with anything? I'm an Arts/Ed turned Business student (as of next year), that has no relevance to anything either.

I'm not sure about the posters, I do know that the four people I was working with at the time didn't cover any of yours nor write anything on them, and those four included both the presidential and treasury candidates. Your lot defaced our posters as soon as they went up, we were still postering when we found the first bunch of defaced ones, so if anyone defaced your posters (and no one I was with did) it was in retaliation and wasn't done with our backing or permission.

Why have you not addressed the fact that no, this isn't a conservative Liberal ticket, when provided with evidence to the contrary? Is it because it's an easy attack? Sure, if you were saying that about a few of the campaigns I've seen recently I'd sure as hell support you on it and probably even campaign against them, like I said, but lumping in libertarians with the hard right is incorrect and it annoys the hell out of me because it's such a popular misconception.

I'd argue that declining numbers is based on the perceived value of what's offered, but that's another debate since I don't know what UTS charges and much about where the money goes. I'd like to hope it wasn't something ludicrous like the $604 I was charged by USyd in my first year there though.

If Musk's statement is anything to go by, then "corrupt" and "journalist" somehow has relevance in this debate. To wit: "Actually you know whats the most corrupt thing about you lot, you say you support renewable energy whist none of you lot are solar energy/renewable engineers. But journalists expecting us to do all the work for you; you don't fully support solar power unless you are committed to being apart of the solution and enroll into renewable engineering at UNSW."

I have not addressed whether or not you're a conservative Liberal ticket because I have not accused you of being one. Check the posts.

I don't think the declining numbers is based on the perceived services that the SA has to offer' it's more than students are already spending hundreds of dollars on textbooks, and so many live away from home. It's difficult to put away close to $300 to join both the Union and the SA when books need to be bought and bills need to be paid.

[EDIT] Musk: I wouldn't call this stirring. Open debate is healthy for student politics. :)
Also, Latham is Labor Right; the main issue that divides Labor Left and Right is that of HECS. Isn't it a bit disrespectful to interrupt a prayer group to plug student elections? :\

Annnd I'm ethnic! :p
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Moderator - UTS
Jun 24, 2004
Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome To Your New Mod!' Thread

Please keep all of your posts to personal opinion, not personal attacks.
I'm going to be editing them out of all of your posts.
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Sep 23, 2004
Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome To Your New Mod!' Thread

Musk said:
Thats right, this reflects the view of the faculty of engineering think im kidding ask the president of the engineering society

That is very disappointing to hear.

malfoy said:
$300 is a lot more reasonable, to be honest. But to be fair, if you want to be able to afford things, surely you'd get a job or whatnot? And if you want to use a service, surely you should pay for your use of the service?

The thing I'm very iffy about when it comes to compulsory student unionism is compulsion. I believe in paying for what you use, therefore I paid my union fees this year but not the sports ones. If someone doesn't actually use the services, and can't afford to pay the $300 (UTS) or $600 (USyd), why should they be compelled to? That's my issue. I have no problems with whatever services you choose to provide, so long as those that use them pay for them and those that don't aren't forced to. You said yourself most students have to pay for books and for bills, so you'd surely understand where I'm coming from in this regards.

EDIT: I agree open debate is healthy. What I don't like is when people make assumptions from either side (aka all leftists are baby-killing, anti-family, dirty atheist feminazi hippies and all right-wingers are warmongering, racist, sexist homophobes). I'm probably a classic case of why those assumptions are wrong.
Unfortunately, few students from ANY university actually know what their SA's and Unions provide, and many aren't particularly compelled to find out, which only adds on to why so few students are currently joining student organisations. Few students even know what the upcoming elections are about! I'm sure if students were more aware of the things the SA does and had better finances (even working students have it tough!), then joining would be a higher priority.

I don't think anyone here in this thread has posted any assumptions about you. :)

musk said:
This debate is pointless,

Ill get a job in 5 years, 7 years ill get 120K easy

As for you jurnos,


But thats ok ill be in dubai so you cant touch my money
Contributions like that make the debate pointless.


Sep 23, 2004
Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome To Your New Mod!' Thread

Musk said:
Why say that when its obvious you dont care about the opinions of engineers?
Where did you get that idea from?

On a subject like renewable energy (if we really want to go down this path, then let's go down it for a moment), everyone plays a part in the solution. Engineers have the technical expertise to solve many issues, but it's the process of working together that actually gets us anywhere. Business people are required to market the product/solution and look at the financial viability of the product, PR and journalists are needed to raise public awareness, teachers are needed to educate students about the causes/effects/solving process itself, and there are a plethora of other components that are needed to actually arrive at a working solution.

It's a combined effort where everyone has a valid opinion and contribution.
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Sep 23, 2004
Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome To Your New Mod!' Thread

Musk said:
Because you dont kno whats happening to engineering, theres alot of anger internally and since you dont kno you dont care by the sounds of it

also how many engineers are on your ticket?

Ok lets anayalise the chain

Engineers (Step 1)>>>>business ppl (Stage 2) >>>> Jurnos (Stage 3)

If Step 1 isnt functioning the chains after it fail.

YOU need to push for more engineering funding for research before you can get stage 2 or 3 up in the air

Nuclear has stage one and two done, its started stage three
Then go to the SA and start a campaign to raise awareness. I'm serious. The service is there and free for all students. Use it.


Ára bátur
Nov 5, 2004
Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome To Your New Mod!' Thread

Musk said:
Ill get a job in 5 years, 7 years ill get 120K easy

But thats ok ill be in dubai so you cant touch my money
Please stay there.


Sep 23, 2004
Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome To Your New Mod!' Thread

Musk said:
I remember Mary gave me an offer but Ive known Le Claire since O Camp, kid saved me from failing OOP
I think an Engineering campaign would actually be quite effective. The Enrol To Vote campaign that was run in semester 1 was really successful in raising awareness (free BBQs tend to help? haha), and as far as I remember, lots of students hopped on board. You should probably approach the SA about it (Emma's really good with that sort of stuff, but anyone in the SA can do a pretty good job), although not before the hectic elections!


Oct 14, 2004
Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome To Your New Mod!' Thread

Malfoy said:
How about you look past the bloody Liberal thing (which it's not, it's a joint ticket with a bunch of other people) and look at some of the politics these guys believe in.
Back at you Malfoy. ;)


Google &quot;9-11&quot; and &quot;truth&quot;
Dec 20, 2004
Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome To Your New Mod!' Thread

culture warriors itt


Oct 14, 2004
Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome To Your New Mod!' Thread

You know I've had many long discussions with you about what you believe in and why, especially after that welfare thread in NCAP.
It's just that you attatch far too many political labels to things, and it scares me into believing that you might dismiss someone because they don't call themselves a libetarian.
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Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome To Your New Mod!' Thread

Hermzie said:
2. The SRC/Student's Association represents students at a state and national level; during elections, the student body elects student representatives for NUS (National Union of Students), and that's where action can be taken on a national level. Yes, it is the Australian Government that sets HECS, which is why we need strong student organisations to lobby against HECS increases. In the most recent HECS increase, the Federal Government initially increased HECS by 30%. It was through student action that this was brought down to 25%. This may not be a huge success, but it was better than nothing, and it was through student action that this was achieved.
That was four years ago, and I'd be interested to see some solid evidence that it was the NUS which had an effect on the legislation. Nowadays instead of running campaigns about student interests they spend thousands of dollars telling students how they should vote in the federal election (patronising, much?). I mean we're all smart enough to get into uni, I think we're smart enough to make our own decisions without having a group of arrogant Labor hacks spend money which would otherwise go towards improving the university's facilities and research credentials telling us what to do.
3. Since the introduction of VSU, student unions and SAs from all universities have experienced a huge decline in numbers. I would not say that this reflects the effectiveness of the SA or the Union; rather, I would say that when something isn't compulsory, students are less likely to dish out hundreds of dollars to join something. Then again, neither of us have adequate research or statistics to prove this, so I don't think it's fair for either of us to make a claim about the effectiveness of the SA.
The best information we have, a poll by the Democrats shows that 60% support VSU.
4. The Student's Association at UTS allows ANY UTS student to come in and start a campaign -- this year they ran the "Enrol to Vote" campaign which involved the free BBQ, and someone else started the "Make Howard History" campaign. The leaders of the SA do not decide which campaigns are run, instead, ordinary students with certain views and agendas come in and ask the SA to help them run their own campaigns. If some UTS students want to speak out about Bush and Iraq, then so be it. If any students would like to start a campaign about Burma, then they are more than welcome to.
You have to be joking. The major campaigns are dictated from above by the NUS.
7. With regards to your posters, Kamal struck a deal with us to not cover our posters if we did not cover I (heart) UTS's. We agreed. What did we find when we came in the next day? That I (heart) UTS had covered over the Go! posters. Thus, the deal was broken. Go! posters were also defaced with personal insults and we had to go around pulling down ours too. Also, it's election time -- I don't think anyone can complain about having long days. I don't think that anyone can play the victim here.
The first day we put posters up we found they'd been graffitied a few hours later, when the GO! team were the only people around that area of university.
8. You keep telling us to stop making generalisations about I (Heart) UTS being a conservative Liberal ticket; maybe you should stop making generalisations about the Go! team being corrupt "c*unts", based on the grounds that I do journalism. Silly.


Oct 14, 2004
Re: The UTS 'Secks and Welcome To Your New Mod!' Thread

Malfoy said:
I'm not a dismissive person.
No, but if I may offer an "observation" (and I generally hate people that make "observations" about others, so please don't judge me harshly) you do seem to categorise things regarding politics very, very quickly. You know, you'll say that you don't believe in something because you're a libertarian and whatever. Of course, it's entirely possible that you might have all the answers regarding whatever it is that's being discussed, which is why what I observed was only an observation, not a judgement.

However, I'll concede I'm more likely to listen to someone if they've got similar beliefs, that's only natural. Otherwise my instinct to argue kicks in, as I'm sure yours does, I've seen it on NCAP and USyd forums.
That wasn't very nice. :( I'm very open minded. For instance, at USyd next week there's some nuclear science thing. Being as pro-nuclear power as I am, I'm going along because everyone has tried to convince me how eeeevil it is, and I just don't see it...unless it leads to nuclear weapons...

Which'd obviously be why the campaigns are skewed so left. I'm okay with people holding opinions obviously, I'm not okay if I'm compelled to spend money so that they can spend it on causes I don't agree with.
Well the majority of students at USyd are left, so I think that's reasonable.

Re lecture bashing: It usually takes up less than 2 minutes while people are still walking in from my experience, so it's not that much of a problem.

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