Girraween High vs Penrith High (1 Viewer)


#1 nesa hater
Aug 1, 2023
yappaholics anonymous
dam gurl, now im feeling so emo my schools like rank 300 and u be calling top 30 schools bad..
they're not bad in terms of ranking and like success rate they are jut bad schools like in terms of funding for girra and the neverending restrictions for stuff and penrith. both schools are also so stuck up


Active Member
Jan 28, 2024
bruh you didnt tag me properly so i didn't see this. fair enough, you got me, penrith did increase in ranks and beat girra this year and i actually think it might even maintain this momentum for next year (i can't be very sure ngl, both schools are quite bad)

but i refuse to accept the L and im gonna double down on my point. penrith is not a better school compared to girraween despite what the ranks say and on average girra is a more successful school and has been over the years.

here is why:
  • girra did not "get beat", they just maintained their already high rank. for reference in 2023 penrith was 35th and girra was 32nd, in 2022 penrith was 40th and girra was 29th.
  • if penrith was a better school, their year 12 cohorts would not set a goal of solely "beating girra" in the hsc over the past few years (can some year 12 penrith kids confirm my point). girra is just more nonchalant and sets their own standard (still not a good school but better)
  • there are often slightly more students in penrith than girra for some reason, contributes to a higher band 6 number
i've saved my strongest point for last. if anyone is bothered click the links below for the penrith and girra pages in the hsc ninja honour roll.
penrith: Penrith High School HSC Honour Roll
girra: Girraween High School HSC Honour Roll

this lists out individual students and the subjects in which they got band 6s for. so you'll notice penrith has like 40 more b6/e4s than girra does this year and that's why their ranking is higher. however...

if you scroll on the penrith page and count the people that only got one band 6 in penrith (specifically only in maths advanced, ancient history and business, the only accelerated subjects penrith offers), you'll notice that adds to about 50. almost ALL of them are accelerated students. and out of the 2 state ranks they achieved only 1 of them came from their actual class of 2024 cohort, the other was from their accelerated 2u maths class.

if you count the number of students that get only 1 band 6 in girraween it adds to less than 50 and most of them are NOT accelerated students. this is because girra has 1 less accelerated class than penrith and 1 less subject that they accelerate in. girra also only accelerates in bio and chem which that are arguably harder to band 6 than maths advanced, ancient and business. so they get wayy less band 6s from their accelerated cohort.

from what i can tell i would attribute penrith's relatively high ranking to the accelerated students in their class of 2024 cohort and not necessarily because they are smarter than girra. the only reason girra's accelerated students don't get them more band 6s is only because girra doesn't accelerate in subjects that are arguably easier to band 6.

penrith specifically picked those 3 subjects to offer accelerated classes bc they have a history of state ranks in those specific subject areas and knows their students will band 6 them. in fact their entire accelerated 2u maths class ends up doing 4u maths and a bunch of their ancient kids end up doing extension history. if girra played to their strengths and tried something similar i would say girra would rank much better than penrith.

i personally am inclined to think that if the rankings were to be determined by average ATAR, penrith would be ranked lower than girraween because then the accelerated students in penrith would be excluded and there would be a more accurate estimate of average performance for the class of 2024.

overall penrith is not a better school than girra and the average atar is probably still higher at girra than at penrith. the band 6 numbers are distorted because penrith has a stronger cohort of accelerated students that may or may not perform better in the hsc in their own hsc year.
interesting points actually.

only thing i would add is that its significantly easier to get a band 6 in any subject when you accelerate for a multitude of reasons, the first being that the people accelerating are generally the top of the cohort below, the more powerful reason being that in year 11 nothing actually matters, so you essentially have 4-6x the time to spend on a singular subject, which makes it incredibly easy to do well in. so more accelerated classes would lead to more band 6s generally regardless of the subject.

my impression from the grapevine seems to be that they wouldn't have the resources or staff to run more accelerated classes anyway.


Aug 5, 2024
under your bed
bruh you didnt tag me properly so i didn't see this. fair enough, you got me, penrith did increase in ranks and beat girra this year and i actually think it might even maintain this momentum for next year (i can't be very sure ngl, both schools are quite bad)

but i refuse to accept the L and im gonna double down on my point. penrith is not a better school compared to girraween despite what the ranks say and on average girra is a more successful school and has been over the years.

here is why:
  • girra did not "get beat", they just maintained their already high rank. for reference in 2023 penrith was 35th and girra was 32nd, in 2022 penrith was 40th and girra was 29th.
  • if penrith was a better school, their year 12 cohorts would not set a goal of solely "beating girra" in the hsc over the past few years (can some year 12 penrith kids confirm my point). girra is just more nonchalant and sets their own standard (still not a good school but better)
  • there are often slightly more students in penrith than girra for some reason, contributes to a higher band 6 number
i've saved my strongest point for last. if anyone is bothered click the links below for the penrith and girra pages in the hsc ninja honour roll.
penrith: Penrith High School HSC Honour Roll
girra: Girraween High School HSC Honour Roll

this lists out individual students and the subjects in which they got band 6s for. so you'll notice penrith has like 40 more b6/e4s than girra does this year and that's why their ranking is higher. however...

if you scroll on the penrith page and count the people that only got one band 6 in penrith (specifically only in maths advanced, ancient history and business, the only accelerated subjects penrith offers), you'll notice that adds to about 50. almost ALL of them are accelerated students. and out of the 2 state ranks they achieved only 1 of them came from their actual class of 2024 cohort, the other was from their accelerated 2u maths class.

if you count the number of students that get only 1 band 6 in girraween it adds to less than 50 and most of them are NOT accelerated students. this is because girra has 1 less accelerated class than penrith and 1 less subject that they accelerate in. girra also only accelerates in bio and chem which that are arguably harder to band 6 than maths advanced, ancient and business. so they get wayy less band 6s from their accelerated cohort.

from what i can tell i would attribute penrith's relatively high ranking to the accelerated students in their class of 2024 cohort and not necessarily because they are smarter than girra. the only reason girra's accelerated students don't get them more band 6s is only because girra doesn't accelerate in subjects that are arguably easier to band 6.

penrith specifically picked those 3 subjects to offer accelerated classes bc they have a history of state ranks in those specific subject areas and knows their students will band 6 them. in fact their entire accelerated 2u maths class ends up doing 4u maths and a bunch of their ancient kids end up doing extension history. if girra played to their strengths and tried something similar i would say girra would rank much better than penrith.

i personally am inclined to think that if the rankings were to be determined by average ATAR, penrith would be ranked lower than girraween because then the accelerated students in penrith would be excluded and there would be a more accurate estimate of average performance for the class of 2024.

overall penrith is not a better school than girra and the average atar is probably still higher at girra than at penrith. the band 6 numbers are distorted because penrith has a stronger cohort of accelerated students that may or may not perform better in the hsc in their own hsc year.
damn u really wrote a whole diss track on penrith💀, thanks for all the info cos i was feeling a bit depressed after i picked girra over penrith and then penrith beat girra in ranks, but looks like ranks are just the tip of the iceberg.


#1 nesa hater
Aug 1, 2023
yappaholics anonymous
interesting points actually.

only thing i would add is that its significantly easier to get a band 6 in any subject when you accelerate for a multitude of reasons, the first being that the people accelerating are generally the top of the cohort below, the more powerful reason being that in year 11 nothing actually matters, so you essentially have 4-6x the time to spend on a singular subject, which makes it incredibly easy to do well in. so more accelerated classes would lead to more band 6s generally regardless of the subject.

my impression from the grapevine seems to be that they wouldn't have the resources or staff to run more accelerated classes anyway.
it def is easier to band 6 when accelerating, i can attest to that. and yeah i def agree that girra doesnt have the resources lol they are broke broke


#1 nesa hater
Aug 1, 2023
yappaholics anonymous
damn u really wrote a whole diss track on penrith💀, thanks for all the info cos i was feeling a bit depressed after i picked girra over penrith and then penrith beat girra in ranks, but looks like ranks are just the tip of the iceberg.
yeah don't feel bad. also even if girra falls back in terms of rank just know that you were likely better off in girra anyways and if you're very unsatisfied with it, it's also usually easier to move up to higher ranking schools from girra than from penrith - not sure why but more ppl go from girra to schools like baulko, sydney girls, normo etc

i think penrith like knocks your confidence levels down a bunch as well. all of my friends in that school that had to care about entrance criteria to do subjects (starts in y9 for accelerated subjects and y10 for non-accelerated but high scaling subjects) burnt out by the time they actually got into everything or like thought they were stupid and wouldn't get a good atar etc. it's a toxic academic environment


Aug 5, 2024
under your bed
yeah don't feel bad. also even if girra falls back in terms of rank just know that you were likely better off in girra anyways and if you're very unsatisfied with it, it's also usually easier to move up to higher ranking schools from girra than from penrith - not sure why but more ppl go from girra to schools like baulko, sydney girls, normo etc

i think penrith like knocks your confidence levels down a bunch as well. all of my friends in that school that had to care about entrance criteria to do subjects (starts in y9 for accelerated subjects and y10 for non-accelerated but high scaling subjects) burnt out by the time they actually got into everything or like thought they were stupid and wouldn't get a good atar etc. it's a toxic academic environment
yeah thats one of the rlly weird things abt penr, u have to do so much just to get into a subject u like


#1 nesa hater
Aug 1, 2023
yappaholics anonymous
yeah thats one of the rlly weird things abt penr, u have to do so much just to get into a subject u like
the worst part honestly is not allowing kids to pick subjects like chem & phys because entrance criteria for extension subjects is fair bc they are deliberately made to be harder than advanced subjects so it's fair to need to do very well in like y10 maths bc that content is advanced level.

but like for chem and phys there really is no benchmark for "am i smart enough to take this subject" because year 10 science has content from all science subjects (chem, phys, bio, earth and environmental and some of it is relevant to investigating sci) so even if you do well in the term they do physics stuff or whatever and then flop the remaining terms you'll get a worse y10 sci mark. so you could be good at physics and not get into it.

and apparently their physics teachers suck super hard as well so its a lose lose situation. imagine what its like for people that want to go into science related degrees with chem/phys prereqs or that are genuinely good at chem/phys and now you're robbing them of the opportunity to get to do it for the hsc. no wonder ppl leave the school


Aug 5, 2024
under your bed
the worst part honestly is not allowing kids to pick subjects like chem & phys because entrance criteria for extension subjects is fair bc they are deliberately made to be harder than advanced subjects so it's fair to need to do very well in like y10 maths bc that content is advanced level.

but like for chem and phys there really is no benchmark for "am i smart enough to take this subject" because year 10 science has content from all science subjects (chem, phys, bio, earth and environmental and some of it is relevant to investigating sci) so even if you do well in the term they do physics stuff or whatever and then flop the remaining terms you'll get a worse y10 sci mark. so you could be good at physics and not get into it.

and apparently their physics teachers suck super hard as well so its a lose lose situation. imagine what its like for people that want to go into science related degrees with chem/phys prereqs or that are genuinely good at chem/phys and now you're robbing them of the opportunity to get to do it for the hsc. no wonder ppl leave the school
ye a lot of penr goes to girra and a lot of girra goes to top 10 schools


academic liability
Aug 10, 2023
ye a lot of penr goes to girra and a lot of girra goes to top 10 schools
that's cause most of penrith students don't live around that area like lets be so fr........ class of 2028. crazy.


#1 nesa hater
Aug 1, 2023
yappaholics anonymous
that's cause most of penrith students don't live around that area like lets be so fr........ class of 2028. crazy.
yeah ik class of 28 is crazy but i think y9 is a decent time to move schools tho. like i was doing this sort of thing in y7, it was extreme but i don't regret the effort i put in


New Member
May 9, 2024
Hey all,

Which school is better, Penrith or Girraween? I have received offers from both, and I am more inclined to pick Girraween, but I keep hearing mixed reviews from different people, websites and even study discussion websites like these regarding Girraween's performance, especialy lately as it is falling ranks. Can somebody please tell me which one is better and how they both pale in comparison, because I really don't know if I'm being honest. Please also consider the future of both schools, as I am getting entry into Year 9 and will spend 4 years at either of these.

Thank you.
Hey, I graduated Penrith in 2024 and I would say both schools are really similar but if you really value support and academic pushing, Penrith would be better, especially since we beat them this year


#1 nesa hater
Aug 1, 2023
yappaholics anonymous
if you really value support and academic pushing, Penrith would be better, especially since we beat them this year
yeah they'll academically push you off a cliff for free. i dont know abt class of 24 but i promise none of the class of 2025 kids have anything positive to say


Aug 5, 2024
under your bed
Hey, I graduated Penrith in 2024 and I would say both schools are really similar but if you really value support and academic pushing, Penrith would be better, especially since we beat them this year
thanks a lot for the info but ima stick to girra being better


New Member
Nov 4, 2024
yeah they'll academically push you off a cliff for free. i dont know abt class of 24 but i promise none of the class of 2025 kids have anything positive to say
Hi I am pshs 25 and I’m pretty sure u are as well… but anyways our cohort is pretty good in social sciences like eco,modern,legal etc but you are right in the fact that our sciences are quite lacking esp in terms of teachers. Honestly if I had to pick between girra and Penrith I’d still pick Penrith even though girra is half the distance away from me bc of facilities , social life and also our band 6 rate in important subjects such as English. English is extremely important for ur atar with pshs having 51 band 6s as compared to girras 16…. Quite poor 😀. Even though we have some lacking interesting people, I still do think our cohort isnt complete shit but if the person who asked this question is aiming for a high atar, going to girra can kinda of make things harder for u considering English.


#1 nesa hater
Aug 1, 2023
yappaholics anonymous
Hi I am pshs 25 and I’m pretty sure u are as well… but anyways our cohort is pretty good in social sciences like eco,modern,legal etc but you are right in the fact that our sciences are quite lacking esp in terms of teachers. Honestly if I had to pick between girra and Penrith I’d still pick Penrith even though girra is half the distance away from me bc of facilities , social life and also our band 6 rate in important subjects such as English. English is extremely important for ur atar with pshs having 51 band 6s as compared to girras 16…. Quite poor 😀. Even though we have some lacking interesting people, I still do think our cohort isnt complete shit but if the person who asked this question is aiming for a high atar, going to girra can kinda of make things harder for u considering English.
penrith is still worse off than girra in my eyes. im not saying the cohort or the school is bad, it's alr for a top 50 school but it's just alr. nothing to write home abt

even if the ranking is still better i 100% guarantee if the ranking system was based on average atar girra would 100% do better. i quite literally debunked the whole ranking thing in my other post.

just bc a cohort is better at certain subjects doesn't necessarily mean they are a better school. while being good at eng does boost your atar, there are many ppl that don't end up band 6ing eng that still get 95+ atars bc they are good at sciences and maths. same thing with social sciences and humanities subjects. although if i were to play your game i could say girra was objectively better at sciences than penrith is despite penrith's bs entrance criteria. their chem band 6 numbers are actually embarrassing considering they have like over 70 ppl apparently. i

although i would have to say that people that end up picking humanities/social sciences in a school like penrith (where ppl would prob be fighting over science subjects) may or may not have picked it bc they didn't make a science or they genuiely care abt the subject in which case i reckon thy would have had the drive to do well in it esp if they want a good atar. i don't know how many ppl do social sci in girra so i can't make that comparison but if i were to guess it would be less ppl.

if you don't like girra for facilities or social life, that's your business. for most ppl girra is easier to travel to, i have not heard many ppl say they go to penrith out of convenience.

i see the pshs 25 more as an accusation lol, i don't want to be associated to penrith icl. i can't believe ppl think that i am from there even after i've roasted it this hard
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