Going for P's - Blacktown (1 Viewer)


New Member
Oct 20, 2015
Hey guys,
Im going for my p's test at Blacktown on Monday and pretty much am nervous as hell. My test is at 2pm and checking the weather, its meant to be raining all day on Monday. Any tips/advice for the test and routes at blacktown (i've roughly been through them with my instructor but they've recently added two new ones so its hard to remember everything)


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2014
Las Vegas
Don't have any info regarding blacktown but here is some info about the test in general.


- relax, don't talk excessively and focus on the road.
- before you start the instructor will ask you to sit in the car and test your indicators, and brake lights. Ensure you put your seatbelt on and turn the key's ignition to the point where you can operate the indicators and brake.
- once all checks are done, instructor will sit and give an overview saying something along the lines of: 'i will be your instructor for the day, we will do this course and will be testing you on specific manoeuvres (usually kerb side stop, reverse parallel park). He/she will then ask for any questions, ask anything you want here.
- fiddle around with controls to show you know how to operate stuff. Ensure your position is upright and hold your steering wheel at 10 and 2 position. At no point should you ever drive with just one hand unless you are either shifting gears or doing a tight turn.
- Put your AC on to a suitable temperature and turn on your demystifier to the front and rear windows.
- Pull out into traffic slowly, and physically show you are viewing your blindspots, twist your head so they can see you are making an effort.
- always stay below the limit, you can't fail for going under the limit but if you go a kilometre over it's instant fail.
- always check your blind spot and shoulders whenever you move from a halt such as a stop sign or traffic lights, it is bullshit rule but you must since they think a cyclist or something could come.
- The instructor is looking at the cluster gauge constantly to check your speed, ensure you stay under since where they sit from it looks a bit higher.
- follow the route the instructor says clearly, they are basically talking like a complicated GPS, they will say stuff like, 'turn right on the second set of lights' or 'turn right on the roundabout', make sure you are alert, listen to them and focus on the road.
- Never go through a yellow light if you can stop prior without slamming the brakes, if the light goes yellow when you just enter the intersection it is fine then.
- Don't stand on pedestrian crossings or zebra crossings as you are obstructing people.
- Clipping the kerb of the round about is counted as an error so avoid it.
- when the road splits from one lane into two you must indicate.
- Go slowly over speed-bumps and check for pedestrian crossings.
- You must stand for at least 3 seconds at a stop sign, this is a rule and if you don't it is an error.
- ensure you check your review mirror a lot, make an effort to show you are looking.
- the instructor is writing things down, this stresses you out, don't worry too much and don't try to peak at what they are writing.
- listen to what the manoeuvre is that they tell you, know what a reverse parallel park is and a kerb side stop is. You must also put your car into either first gear if in manual or park in automatic and put handbrake and shut car off to satisfactorily pass the manoeuvre. This is just a safety thing.
- when returning to test facility, park where they say, this is also like another manoeuvre they test, if you hit the kerb they might fail you.
- be aware of school zones, these are a killer.
- essential tip of all: relax and stay calm, the test is unrealistic, no where in real driving situations do you have someone testing what you do. Just drive like a granny that is being super safe.

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