umm for my case study, i did the case of samantha knight.
i found it was really good when talking about effectivness of the law in relation to delays, plea bargaining & media influence.
my friend did the case of deidre kennedy, [r v carroll] which was the case that changed coudble jeopardy laws, also a good one for delays & how the adversarial system of law may not always be effective.
umm for media influences the azaria chamberlain case is a great one. the jury almost had their mind made up before the case even went to trial.
hmm it really depends what you want cases for.
lol otherwise i'm probly talking about completly irrelevent cases.
i hope it helped a bit, but what kind of cases do you need & i may be able to help more.
i have my half yrly for legal tomoro. agh