yenta said:
So anyway, SlipStream, or anyone else for that matter, I have another question, though you might not know the answer, cos it's not so much car-related but cleaning related - how do I clean shit off my car seats (not literal shit, I mean drink stains etc)? Have you ever had to clean your (cloth) car seats if so how did you go about it?
I get this question at work all the time, and I normally recommend hot water with some domestic strength carpet cleaner (something you'd use on a stain in your loungeroom) and a scrubbing brush and a hell of a lot a elbow grease! But I don't like your chances, sorry!

Like carpet stains in the loungeroom, you need to get to them quickly or they'll become just that: a stain. And stains are pretty permanent. Good luck, though.
ToO LaZy ^* said:
what's vapourlock?...
Well, for a start, vapour lock is damn annoying - that's for sure. What is it? Well in a nutshell, older cars used to have the fuel pump nearer to the engine than the tank, so really it has to "suck" (rather than, err, "blow") fuel about half a dozen feet before it gets to the engine. If I remember correctly (no ones ever asked me about vapour lock before so pardon me if the cobwebs are showing), the "sucking" system would create a lower pressure in the lines, and when you'd turn the engine off, sometimes the heat would cause the fuel to boil and become a gas rather than a liquid. Well, the pumps are designed for liquids - not gases. So vapour lock is when the pump cannot pump because there is fuel vapour in the line. I think the solution is to wait until the vapour condenses back into fuel and the pump can get back into it. Used to happen on my Subi occasionally whilst taking the bins up to the street. Becomes annoying after a dozen times...
Demandred said:
Is drifting around a corner faster than the conventional way?
I think as DaddyK pointed out, no. Hell no. If you ask me, drifting carries probably no advantages in regards to taking corners faster. It just looks cool.
cyrax83 said:
whats doubleclutching ? i hear it's using the clutch really fast so you skip a gear and get more power or something ?
It helps you to get into gear should you get stuck upchanging (well, that's what it's used mainly for nowadays). One would have to learn how to double clutch in the old days when cars didn't have syncros on the forwards gears (syncros stop that grinding sound) so it was necessary to double clutch downchanging to stop that horrid grinding noise and for smoother operation. On some cars, like my mummy's Pajero, the syncros have gone to syncro heaven on first and second, so you have to double clutch in order to get into those gears when downchanging. It isn't easy, that's for sure. Most of the time, I just don't bother ... clutch in and gliiiiide.
As for the method, redslert was spot on. Try to remember next time you're in a car with rooted syncros. ALSO, double clutching and heal-toe downchanges are too different things, commonly confused with each other. Heal-toe downchanging is similar to double clutching, but.
natstar said:
My car makes a ticking noise when its idel. My engine was rebuilt last year cuz the previous owner didnt use the right type of oil and it kinda stuffed the engine up, which was fixed. The mechanic says its fine tho, but i remember him saying it was something to do with the timing belt
You have the Excel, eh? I have heard they tend to cark it when not cared for - they were designed to be a "disposable" car. Buy it, put 100 000 kays on it, then sell it to some kid and buy another one. So they're nowhere near as robust as, say, a Falcon. But there is an army of them out there, so parts are easy to get. I'd imagine the rebuild would of cost a bit – at least you can rest assured that your little Excel will last longer than most others out there now.
braad and DaddyK, yeh you guys are right. I do come across as pretty arrogant. I know why, as well, so I'll try to dull it down a little. I don't want to make enemies here, but I do enjoy hiding behind my username and acting the way I wouldn't in real life. But hey! That's what forums are all about, right??
And you know more than me, DaddyK? We'll see about that!

If you ever answer my request for your MSN address (come on, I bet everyone on this forum uses MSN) then we can have a tech showdown (something I do with my car mates) and see who's da baus!