Make sure in the normal run mode (Mode-1).
To enter an angle in degrees and minutes, press [OPTN] [F6] [F5] then the degrees/minutes/seconds button comes up as [F4].
To convert an answer from a decimal value to degrees, minutes and seconds, press [OPTN] [F6] [F5] then the conversion button comes up as [F5].
The nice thing about the calculator is that all those buttons will stay at the bottom of the screen once you selected them, so you won't need to press all the F buttons everytime you need to use them. They will disappear though if you change modes, but it's easy to get them back again!
For example to work out the value of sin 3216', press:
[sin] 32 [OPTN] [F6] [F5] [F4] 16 [F4] [EXE]
and you should get 0.5338605056 as the answer.
Or to find x if tan x = 0.678, press:
[SHIFT] [tan] 0.678 [EXE]
then press:
[OPTN] [F6] [F5] [F5]
and you should get 348'14.17" (348' to the nearest minute).
Hope this helps!