Top 5 vehicles?
1. Shalimar(sp?) the private jet one
2. Maverick (helicopter- steal it from police stations etc
3. Hydra- damm this thing is fast, but i'm still getting used to it(well it is a military jet)
4. the 900 model of the motorbike
5. I don't know, the jetpack is somewhere in the middle of the rankings.
As you can see, I like anything that flies or is fast. I haven't really got many places to save my game and save cars yet, I put 2 private jets and 2 motorbikes into the hangar

. So the abandoned airstrip rocks: 2 bikes, 2 private jets, 1 huge helicopter, the hydra, rustler(propeller plane) and the jetpack.
Gavrillo: yes the mod is called hot coffee. The novelty wears off after about 30 seconds lol. Its like push up and down in rythm to bring up the excitement level...