piecheck said:
How can u tell when ur comps been hacked?
Umm.. There are all sorts of ways.
Its not like there is a special area where you go to on your computer that says if youve been hacked or not (though a program which logs such events will if its installed).
But if you're asking about direct signs; these are all
voluntarily left by the hacker.. A responsible one will just watch everything you do and not make the slightest movement, so as to not arouse suspicion (which would ultimately result in the owner of the computer taking actions to prevent the hacking).
Its not like someone breaking into your house.. You wont hear a window smash or see the door cave in.. That part of the breaking in to a computer is very silent/unseen.
Script kiddies, through using a trojan, will generally do things like open/close CD-ROM, pop up Message boxes on your screen, change your background, move your mouse etc.
Hacking is defined as "unauthorised access".. So being hacked may not mean that the hacker gains COMPLETE control of the computer.. it may only be a certain small feature.