Happy Birthday Israel! (1 Viewer)


MOSSAD Deputy Director
May 30, 2005
TacoTerrorist said:
Wow. You do have a level of knowledge right? You do know about the military bases through the globe, the bombings, the killings, the theft etc?
<snip hate long comments>
This is supported by evidence. For the third time in this thread, I will state that Israel has killed four times as many civilans as Palestine. Read up on it before dismissing my views.
I do not deny that Israel has killed in defending herself.
I do not deny that America has killed and has human rights abuse claims against it.

But you are still only propagating one side of the picture...one side that is also very lacking in history.

Should we also deny everything that the US and Israel have contributed to the world, the sciences, the affluent environment you live in today. If it bugs you so bad get off your computer, sell it and move to some poverty stricken nation and help them rebuild it.

Go continue to tippy toe around the abuses in the middle east and tell me that the US and Israel are the only people to have ever stuffed up. Go pretend that women aren't treated like shit in Saudi Arabia, go pretend that gays aren't hung in Iran, go pretend Hamas doesn't indiscriminately kill women and children for not being of their religious persuasion.

The hypocrisy continues. The right wing is in support of violence and greed. I have stated my facts and the supporters of the israeli terror state have ignored them. This is not a controversy or a conspiracy, this is reality. israel is killing ciivlans and no one is doing anything about it. The moment someone does something about it they are labeled terrorists or 'anti-freedom'.
Repetition repetition, you're doing it again, repetition repetion, this song will never end, repetition repetition, you're driving me insane *insert music emoticon*

Can I borrow your copy of loose change?

You sir, and the rest of the idiotic right wing club are ignorant idiots. Did you know that the right wing has a lower average IQ than the left wing?
Look...you're in a course with a UAI cut off of 50 and you're calling me stupid.

And guess what, it's no secret many country hicks who are nothing but racist claim to be right wing and it's also no secret that there are many academics toward the left. But an interesting distraction.
(this has also been discussed in that thread about an academic bill of rights)

Also, it's nice of you to brand me right wing for telling you to look at both sides of the story and challenge yourself. What other logical steps are distinctly right wing? Using evidence? Studying history?

So being anti-slaughter and pro-equality is ignorant? As opposed to the right wing ideal of take what you can get without considering the needs of others?
No, being ignorant is pretending to know all the facts while not actually ^_^
People are being killed and instead of finding some middle ground to stop the violence you advocate destroying a nation.
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Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Chill lads...Dont get your knickers in a knot :p


MOSSAD Deputy Director
May 30, 2005
I just don't like it when someones argument relies on one narrow closed minded and limited perspective...and just to make sure I'm not guilty of it I have to discuss it like a loon.

To say that the Arab states are completely innocent is as incorrect as saying Israel is completely innocent. You can't disregard what is happening now or the reasons why the mess exists.


Jul 29, 2007
^totally agree with you. i think its time israel went back to its first border lines (UN had jeruselum as an international city) and the arab states accept israel. and then we can all move on.
because this war is sorta getting boring now (israel vs palistine)


Save Sderot
Aug 15, 2004
Hunters Hill
bigboyjames, the Palestinians originally claimed that the concept of Palestine or them as Palestinians was a term created by the Zionists.

Secondly, they never saw themselves as a Palestinian people or nation, they shared ties with Jordan and Syria.


TaccoTerrorist, those targeted in Israel are terrorists - if they happen to be Muslims than it is of no consequence. In fact, the Israeli government allowed for safe passage for many Christians in Gaza to attend religious services in Bethlehem. Conveniently, many then dissapeared within the West Bank so that they could not be sent back to the Islamic extremist Hamas governed Gaza Strip where they were persecuted.

I also note that any argument brought forward by Ba'al Shem Tov with regards to the Arab States you cannot respond to, you simply turn it back into being about Israel.

If giving money to "resistance organisations" that are deemed terrorist organisations by everyone else but the Arabs is charity, then I don't think saying that muslims give more money to charity per capita is all that positive a thing.



Israel has made several peace proposals where returning to the Green Line and pulling out of settlements was possible, as well as a Palestinian capital in Jerusalem. However the hardline leaders of "Palestine" rejected these.

If you think it will stop there it won't - you have a government, Hamas that fails to recognise or live next to a Jewish State and that has wage war on the "Zionist enemy"


Save Sderot
Aug 15, 2004
Hunters Hill
60 Reasons to Celebrate the 60th!

Youth Movement
1. You are/were a member of Habonim
2. You are/were a member of Betar
3. You are/were a member of Bnei Akiva
4. You are/were a member of Netzer
5. You are/were a member of Hashomer Hatzair
6. You are/were a member of Hineni

Affiliated organisation
7. You have been on a UIA mission to Israel
8. You have been on a JNF mission to Israel
9. You have done a MDA course in Israel
10. A tree was planted in your name through the JNF
11. You have visited a WIZO Children's Home in Israel
12. You have donated money to an Israeli charity

Programs in Israel
13. You have ever visited Israel
14. You went on Machon
15. You went on Shnat
16. You went on IST
17. You studied in Yeshiva/Midrasha
18. You went on Academy
19. You went on Achshav
20. You went on Aviv or Israel By Choice
21. You went on March of the Living
22. You have studied at an Israeli university
23. You went on Maccabiah

24. You remember when Israel was established in 1948
25. You were in Israel in 1948
26. You volunteered in Israel in 1956
27. You volunteered in Israel in 1967
28. You volunteered in Israel in 1973
29. You volunteered in Israel in 1982
30. You volunteered in Israel on a Kibbutz
31. You volunteered on Sarel
32. You volunteered on Israeli summer camps

33. You or a member of your family served in the Israeli army
34. A member of your family has made Aliyah
35. You have family living in Israel
36. You trade/have traded with Israel
37. You dance Israeli dancing
38. You have eaten pita bread and falafel
39. You own and/or wear a Magen David
40. You own or have worn an "I Love Israel" t-shirt
41. You have taken an EGGED bus
42. You use AHAVA skin products
43. You own a pair of NAOT sandals
44. You own or have worn Israeli jewelry
45. You have had an AROMA Ice Coffee
46. You have floated in the Dead Sea
47. You use Israeli technology (e.g. voicemail, ICQ, CAT scan, etc)
48. You have hiked through the Negev
49. You have gone shopping in Tel Aviv
50. You have put a note in the Kotel
51. You have flown on EL AL
52. You have listened to Galgalatz radio station
53. You have been to the Israeli Film Festival
54. You speak or learn Hebrew
55. You read Israeli news
56. You have ever sung Hatikvah
57. You have ever recited the Prayer for the State of Israel and/or Prayer for the IDF in shule
58. You have ever eaten an Osem cup-a-soup (or any other product made by Osem)
59. You have ever attended a rally or demonstration in solidarity with Israel
60. You have eaten Max Brenner chocolate

Source: http://www.szcnsw.com.au/60reasons.cfm


But pieces of what?
Jun 12, 2004
Re: 60 Reasons to Celebrate the 60th!

It's funny that up until the 60's and 70's, Iran was a vocal and strong supporter of Israel. Then a fundamental zealot Muslim got into power and declared a jihad on Israel and any country that supported them.

Ah, abuse of power.


Mar 16, 2008
TaccoTerrorist, those targeted in Israel are terrorists -
I'm sure that they are. Except it gets out of hand when a rocket is sent to kill a 'terrorist' (i.e Palestinian freedom fighter) and that same rocket kills a child. Israel has no remorse. It knows it is killing civilians. There are news reports every day of a shattered Palestinian family.

Don't give me that crap about terrorists hiding amongst civilians. Israel cannot know where every terrorist resides.

if they happen to be Muslims than it is of no consequence. In fact, the Israeli government allowed for safe passage for many Christians in Gaza to attend religious services in Bethlehem.
I'm sure they'd allow Muslims to attend religious services in Jerusalem, or are all Muslims terrorists?

Conveniently, many then dissapeared within the West Bank so that they could not be sent back to the Islamic extremist Hamas governed Gaza Strip where they were persecuted.
Okay. I do not approve of Hamas' past, but Hamas is better than Israel in my eyes. Hamas does not kill civilians. Hamas kidnaps Israeli soldiers and kills Israeli soldiers who are occupying Palestinian land illegally.

I also note that any argument brought forward by Ba'al Shem Tov with regards to the Arab States you cannot respond to, you simply turn it back into being about Israel.
I'm showing the other side of the story which he ignored frequently. I have accepted that Arabs do bad things. Every nation or group does bad things, except apparently Israel.

If giving money to "resistance organisations" that are deemed terrorist organisations by everyone else but the Arabs is charity,
Israel is funding destabilsation in the region. It knows it has a small army (but well equipped and trained, militaristic bastards) and needs to spend towards creating a fractured region so it can continue its existence.

then I don't think saying that muslims give more money to charity per capita is all that positive a thing.
I'm sorry are you trying to say that all Muslims are pro-terror? I'm saying that it is part of Islamic law to give 2.5% of your income to charity. But other people like you would focus on outdated 1400 year old laws.

Time to celebrate the birth of Israel everyone. 60 years of rape, theft, murder and occupation.


But pieces of what?
Jun 12, 2004
TacoTerrorist said:
all Muslims are pro-terror
Well I don't think it's nice to generalise like that, man. Some Muslims aren't.


Mar 16, 2008
Okay, I'm going to double post here to respond to ari89.

I do not deny that Israel has killed in defending herself.
I do not deny that America has killed and has human rights abuse claims against it.

But you are still only propagating one side of the picture...one side that is also very lacking in history.
I am not denying the lack of women's rights in Saudi Arabia, I do not deny that gays are being hung in Iran. This thread isn't about that. I do not deny that some Palestinians are killing civilians in Israel. Other people in this thread have already stated those ills.

Should we also deny everything that the US and Israel have contributed to the world, the sciences, the affluent environment you live in today. If it bugs you so bad get off your computer, sell it and move to some poverty stricken nation and help them rebuild it.
I'm not denying the technological advances made by people who live in the US. I'd rather live in the stone age with no violence than the modern age where terror rules.

Repetition repetition, you're doing it again, repetition repetion, this song will never end, repetition repetition, you're driving me insane *insert music emoticon*

Can I borrow your copy of loose change?
Repetition is necessary to help those who cannot learn. And wtf is loose change?

Look...you're in a course with a UAI cut off of 50 and you're calling me stupid.
1) I'm not stupid.
2) So what if the course I'm in has a UAI cut off of 50? If I got a UAI of 99.5 I'd be in the same course.

Also, it's nice of you to brand me right wing for telling you to look at both sides of the story and challenge yourself. What other logical steps are distinctly right wing? Using evidence? Studying history?
The right wing is heavily biased. I have stated facts, and once again have come to the conclusion that Israel is ethically far worse than Palestine. I branded you right-wing because the only way someone can be in support of Israel is if they were right-wing, and you are defending Israel's actions.

No, being ignorant is pretending to know all the facts while not actually ^_^
People are being killed and instead of finding some middle ground to stop the violence you advocate destroying a nation.
I'd love to find some middle ground. Palestine would love to find some middle ground. Israel doesn't. I am not saying that Palestine is always in need of peace. The Palestinian people however are more desperate for a treaty because they are suffering on a grand scale. Israel is losing people yes, but not as many as Palestine.

The only solution to this complex issue is for Israel to be stripped of its offensive abilities.

How can someone celebrate the horrible existence of Israel?

Third time running:

Why is Israel globally condemned, and why does Palestine hate Israel?


But pieces of what?
Jun 12, 2004
Israel isn't globally condemned. You'd just like to think so.

Most of the stuff you spout is vitrollic garbage. It's like you're sitting there hoping that if you spray enough shit everywhere, people will eventually accept it as true.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
JaredR said:
bigboyjames, the Palestinians originally claimed that the concept of Palestine or them as Palestinians was a term created by the Zionists.

Secondly, they never saw themselves as a Palestinian people or nation, they shared ties with Jordan and Syria.
Thats the most fucked up thing that i've ever read on these forums, during my whole stay here, you silly, silly boy.
The term was not created by zionists, they were always called Palestinians, and they will be called palestinians forever, no matter how many were killed by filthy zionists.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Oh, and please do not give me the stupid "Land without a people for a people without a land" bullshit argument plz :)


Aug 17, 2006
ari89 said:
If engaging in sexual intercourse with a 9 year old isn't paedophilia I have no idea what else is.
Now you're just being racist.
But there is no Jew race. They're a culture, relgion (whatever your take on being Jewish is)...

You mean Antisemitist? :)

Ba'al Shem Tov

يهوه هو الرب
Jul 30, 2007
You seem to be very confused so I will take this in steps.
TacoTerrorist said:
Sounds like what Israel is doing in Palestine. I suspect that Jews in Israel are targeting Muslims in Israel.
Simply put, they are not.
Israel is desperate for supporters. How else are they going to get approval for their war crimes?
For you to say that it is obvious that you have no clue of the history I just recited. Would it be possible for you to read into the subject as opposed to blindly stating an opinion and forming idiotic conclusions.
Muslims give more money to charity per capita than any other race, religion or country. This could be interpreted as Israel funding destabilisation in Lebanon, it's main enemy.
Red herring at its best.
ROFL. What fucking freedom? What fucking freedom? Do SOME FUCKING RESEARCH. America is the biggest bastard on the face of the planet. Fucking funding terrorism, military bases around the world, illegal wars, theft, rape, murder the list goes on. Do not give me that pro-Western bullshit because the West are fucking monsters.
Sorry but what has this got to do with anything?
When the Christians fled Lebanon they sought and were granted refuge in both Israel and the West. I do not understand how your response changes that.
As I said, it was not fellow Arabs helping them as they were too busy killing them. It was Israel and the West who took them in and sheltered these people from violent religious persecution. But somehow you find this negative. Odd.
Bull-fucking-shit. Stop fucking lying and face the facts. Israel has killed four times as many civilians as Palestine. Israel is not 'fighting for its own self-determination', Israel is conquering and forcing Palestine under its will.
Again, you missed the point and took it as an opportunity to spew your few fact propaganda. As I said, you claim that thousands of rocket attacks are nothing yet you scream about every attack Israel has launched against those attacking it. Have some integrity.
As I said, Israel never had nor has the intentions to destroy Palestine. They acquired land legally and even offered to give it back in exchange for a formal peace. (Rhodes Armistice & Luassane conference in 1949). However, it was the Arabs who refused:
1. Return of land they lost after attacking Israel
2. Peace

If the Arabs weren't so hell bent on destroying Israel the story would be very different today.
I attack Israel because Israel deserves to be destroyed. Kill the beast. End the human rights atrocities. The only way Israel will stop the war crimes is if it is subdued. By the way, Palestine is democratic. Hamas got elected.
I'm sure this exposes your true bias. Anti-Israeli or anti-semetic? Or both?
Did a Jew once take your seat on a bus?
I'm sorry, 'only safe haven'? What are you xenophobic? Nobody in their right mind, nobody with a brain of a sense of humanity wants Israel to continue what it is doing.
Xenophobic? Are you aware of what that word means because in any related context here I do not see it making any sense.
Israel provides refuge to people form all walks of life. Why would you want to destroy that and throw those it protects into the hands of fascists who have openly declared their intentions of genocide?
For someone who claims to have a sensitive moral compass your constant calling for death to Israel lends itself to something very different.
Muhummad wasn't a pedophile you fucking liar. I'll create a little slur myself: Jews are all kniving, greedy sewer rats.
Again we see that your zeal against Israel is a personal hate of Jews.
Israel is a country heavily influenced by Orthodox Judaism. The government are right-wing expansionist warmongers and the schooling system enforces patriotism bordering on blind obedience of the Isaeli-Fuhrer.
And Palestine is heavily influenced by Islamofascists with a schooling system instructing children that they are at war with the pig Jews and that they have a duty to die for the fascist cause.

Ever watched Pioneers of Tomorrow?
I do not have a problem with a Jewish state. I do have a prblem with a Jwish state committing atrocious war crimes and then denying them. I understand your position but I do not understand your hypocrisy. Israel has killed many civilians, many more than Palestine. This is fact.
What hypocrisy?
Why is Israel hated so much globally? That is my question.
Xenophobia? (Look, I used the word correctly)

In future I would appreciate it if you did not respond to my points with a series of red herrings and straw man attacks but instead embraced logic and coherance. Develop and argument and counter my argument with something relevant.
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Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
TacoTerrorist said:
I'm sure that they are. Except it gets out of hand when a rocket is sent to kill a 'terrorist' (i.e Palestinian freedom fighter) and that same rocket kills a child. Israel has no remorse. It knows it is killing civilians. There are news reports every day of a shattered Palestinian family.
You wants palestinian children killed anyways why are you whining about? You sent children to become suicide bombers with a promise of virgin girls, if anyone is to blame for palestnian arabs children's death its you.

Don't give me that crap about terrorists hiding amongst civilians. Israel cannot know where every terrorist resides.
Israel strikes where they got information from Palestinians who work for Israel, thats why more than 500 palestinian terrorists have been killed for the past 3 yrs in precision strike.

Okay. I do not approve of Hamas' past, but Hamas is better than Israel in my eyes. Hamas does not kill civilians. Hamas kidnaps Israeli soldiers and kills Israeli soldiers who are occupying Palestinian land illegally.
Of course we know you are a terrorist supporter, we also knew that you believe Osama is innocent and WTC is a zionist conspiracy and Sheikh Hillay was forced to resign by jewish press ha ha!

I'm showing the other side of the story which he ignored frequently. I have accepted that Arabs do bad things. Every nation or group does bad things, except apparently Israel.
Compared to arabs countries, israel is perfect.

Israel is funding destabilsation in the region. It knows it has a small army (but well equipped and trained, militaristic bastards) and needs to spend towards creating a fractured region so it can continue its existence.
You arabs hates each other so much so that the only uniting force is your common hatred against Israel and support for terrorism. Ever wondered why Syria and Egypt divorced soon after uniting into one country a few decades ago? They cant stand their own stench each other ha ha.

I'm sorry are you trying to say that all Muslims are pro-terror? I'm saying that it is part of Islamic law to give 2.5% of your income to charity. But other people like you would focus on outdated 1400 year old laws.
You certainly are among those who support funding an organisation that sent children to the jaws of death and celebrate it.

Time to celebrate the birth of Israel everyone. 60 years of rape, theft, murder and occupation.
Time to celebrate reconquest of Israel, God's promised land to the Jews. Losers can whine.


MOSSAD Deputy Director
May 30, 2005
S1M0 said:
But there is no Jew race. They're a culture, relgion (whatever your take on being Jewish is)...

You mean Antisemitist? :)
Hey you're pretty intelligent. Like I totally thought that the Jews were a race and like LOL conversions meant your genetic heritage changed! Gosh don't I feel so so silly!


Jan 17, 2007
Israel will implode someday.

The Arab birth rate is far higher and soon it will cease to be the so called "Jewish" state.

Palestine will be returned to the natives and the Khazar invaders will disappear.

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