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Has anybody read the novel 'Water for Elephants' by Sara Gruen? (1 Viewer)


Wendell Sailor
Nov 10, 2007
The grandstands at OKI Jubilee.. (Actually, Cronul
Has anybody read the novel 'Water for Elephants' by Sara Gruen? *help required*


I bought this novel while travelling in America recently.

Now, I was given an assessment task to write a speech that relates this novel with three Robert Frost poems (with examples) and another text.

For those who don't know the story (Taken from Wikipedia to save time):
The story is told as a series of memories by Jacob Jankowski, a ninety-three-year-old man who lives in a nursing home.
As the memories begin, Jacob Jankowski is twenty-three-years old and preparing for his final exams as a Cornell University veterinary student when he receives the news that his parents were killed in a car accident. Jacob’s father was a veterinarian and Jacob had planned to join his practice. When Jacob learns that his father was deeply in debt because he had been treating animals for free, he has a breakdown and leaves school just short of graduation. In the dark of night, he jumps on a train only to learn it is a circus train. When the owner of the circus, Uncle Al, learns of his training as a vet, he is hired to care for the circus animals.
The novel chronicles Jacob’s experiences with the circus as he learns the hierarchy of circus workers and performers, gains an understanding of the brutalities of circus life while struggling to maintain his own moral compass, and falls in love.
The head trainer, August, is a brutal man who abuses the animals in his care as well as the people around him. Alternately, he can be utterly charming. Jacob develops a guarded relationship with August and his wife, Marlena, with whom Jacob falls in love. August is suspicious of their relationship and beats Marlena and Jacob. Marlena subsequently leaves August, which is the precipitating event leading to the ultimate demise of the Benzini Brothers circus.
As the story climaxes, several circus workers who were redlighted off the train come back and release the animals (redlighting refers to throwing circus workers off the moving train as punishment or in order to avoid paying them). In the ensuing panic, August is killed. As a result of this incident, which occurred during a circus performance, the circus is shut down. Marlena and Jacob leave, along with several circus animals, and begin their life together.
To add on, the main character is also trying to make his way to a circus near his nursing home which is part of a physical journey of sorts.

If anyone can help me out with relating my novel with any three Frost poems it would be much appreciated. Don't worry about the other text, I can do that bit myself.
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May 10, 2007
I haven't read it - but it seems like I might be able to use it for a related text for Identity. :)

Do you know if it's common at libraries?

Do you have any other texts? I'm doing TS Eliot. :p

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