HELP : ??Use available evidence to analyse the links between gene expression and the (1 Viewer)


New Member
Dec 14, 2008
Use available evidence to analyse the links between gene expression and the maintenance and repair of body tissue.

Can some one help me answer this one because i have no idea what to write im in the middle of writing up my notes and im up to section no. 4 for search for a better health and theres this random stupid dot point i cannot answer because i have no idea what to write alk the way back in 1. grrh

as far as im concerned i wrote all i could about genes from my reference and text books here in this dot point:

outline how the funtion of genes, mitosis, cell differentiation and specialisation assist in the maintenance of health.

it really beggining to bug me because i dont know what to write



katie tully

ashleey luvs roosters
Jun 15, 2008
My wrist is limp
Re: HELP : ??Use available evidence to analyse the links between gene expression and

Stolen from HSC CSU
Gene expression refers to the transfer of information from a gene to produce a protein or RNA. If you cut yourself, the genetic code contained in all your cells is used to form the new tissue to repair the damage from the cut.

outline how the function of genes, mitosis, cell differentiation and specialisation assist in the maintenance of health

Gene expression is essential for the maintenance of health.

Genes are the units of inheritance. They control the process of protein synthesis. They assist the maintenance of health by regulating the cell cycle and limiting the growth and reproduction of cells. Genes provide the code for proteins that are needed for growth and repair. Enzymes, which control all body processes, are proteins and thus have been produced from the codes of genes.
Mitosis is cell division that produces identical cells. These cells are important for growth and reproduction. Each day millions of cells die and are replaced by the process of mitosis.
Cell differentiation is the process undergone by the cells that are formed after mitosis. Each cell has the genetic information necessary to produce all types of cells. However, each cell normally differentiates to become a specialised cell, with a specialised structure and function. Undifferentiated cells form tumours.
Many types of cells have specialised roles in maintaining the health of an organism. For example, there are specialised blood cells that produce antibodies to attack a disease causing micro-organism.

HSC Online

Some of it is out of date, but it covers most dot points.


New Member
Nov 20, 2007
Re: HELP : ??Use available evidence to analyse the links between gene expression and

Hey! hope you're enjoying Search to Better Health! It's the most exciting topic in bio yr 12 in my opinion. I know this is a bit late, but here is some more detailed notes i collated for last year on this dot point:

Gene Expression:
• Gene expression refers to the transfer of information from a gene to produce a protein or RNA. If you cut yourself, the genetic code contained in all your cells is used to form the new tissue to repair the damage from the cut.
• Gene expression is the process by which inheritable information from a gene, such as the DNA sequence, is made into a functional gene product, such as protein or RNA.
• An obvious factor in the development of a zygote to an embryo. It can occur throughout the life of an organism, specifically for repair and maintenance of tissues.
• Involves:
o ‘switching on’ a segment of DNA to produce a polypeptide
o Manipulating the polypeptide into the required protein
o Transporting and manipulating the protein to become either a component of cytoplasm or to function as an enzyme and control the production of other cellular molecules.
• Evidence shows that some genes are switched off and some switched on and this determines the type of cell and its functioning.
• If mutation occurs, gene expression alters and the maintenance and repair of tissues is disrupted.
• Study in 1994-5 discovered that inheritance of altered BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes causes the person to produce an ineffective protein which in turn causes unregulated cell division including the unchecked growth of cancerous cells and tumours.
• Thus, gene expression is greatly related to the formation of body tissue and in term, mitosis. A disruption in the gene expression process can lead cancer as mitosis has been affected from proper formation.

To summarise all that, remember that gene expression involves proteins being coded from DNA. As i have been learning in med for uni, proteins are HIGHLY important in the body for many functions which is in turn important for HOMEOSTASIS (note how all the topics in bio integrate??). This makes gene expression highly important for regular function of the body.

To be more specfic in terms of repair and maintenance, these involve mitosis (cellular division in all cells except gametes where the result are daughter cells which are identical to the mother cell). As proteins (in the form of enzymes or communication proteins) are involved in the regulation of mitosis, gene expression is hence very important.


Apr 22, 2009
lebo land
Re: HELP : ??Use available evidence to analyse the links between gene expression and

dooes anyone know an infectious eye diease and the body's natural response to it . PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE HELP. i can't find this answer anywhere:bomb:


Mar 10, 2013
Re: HELP : ??Use available evidence to analyse the links between gene expression and

conjuctivitis is my first thought- obvious infection, pink eye and mucous in the eye and highly infectious- just ask any child care worker !!!!

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