ok well i'm going to give as unbiased opinion as possible - but keep in mind that i go to albies and i do rural science (so aggies are the type of ppl i know from other colleges)
albies - catholic college, into rugby and netball (as well as other sports), mix of all types of people but the main courses would be ag courses (ag, rural sci, livestock sci, ag bus, ag ecos), teaching and nursing
robb - would have to describe them as the most country college, also really into rugby/netball - main rivals of albies
duval - mix of many different types of ppl, really friendly - fair few aggies but i think there are a pretty wide range of people there
austin - bit of a mix there too, don't know a great deal of ppl from there
earl page - more of an arts type of college, get into the more cultural side of stuff
drummond & smith - similar to page, more arts kinda students
mary white - mainly older students, they do less partying than colleges like albies and robb
this is the best i can do - if u have specific questions on albies then let me know!! if u are into major partying, lots of events (like dances/pub nights) on all the time etc.. i'd say go to robb or albies definately... this doesn't mean we don't study either - most ppl at albies got a C average or above last semester
albies is the only college with a religious affiliation (but you def. don't have to be catholic to come here - i'd say about maybe 70% are catholic)... and i wouldn't say there was a particular college that's into sport, unless it's rugby with robb/albies being the only colleges with a team all the other colleges play for a UNE team
the best i can suggest is to visit the colleges on open day (9th september) - i think they are open between 8:30am and 10am.. that way you get an idea of the facilities as well as the type of people that are at each college