ill type out the description of the tast
An individual research project, on a modern history topic of your choosing. your topic must be cleared with your teacher. Research a significant person, event, or group in modern history from 1700 to the present. you will need to be able to justify why your topic is historically significant
there are two parts to this task
1. a seminar of 15-20 mins. you will need to involve the audience so that you know if they understand you. in your seminar you are encouraged to use a variety of stimuli (music. posters. film. powerpoint presentation etc.) to communicate the information you have researched. the main aims of your seminar are to:
-ask relevant focus questions
-communicate clear and logical historical information in a well structured manner
-involve and engage the audience with a variety of stimuli to maintain their interest
-encourage the audience to respond and show that they understood your presentation
you do not have to talk to the audience the whole time. you may decide to do some of the following. show exerpts of a relevant film or documentary, play relevent music or parts of important speeches, give the audience brief task to complete/quiz them, show and explain images, mock interview etc.
2. a inclass essay on your topic
band 6 ( 9-10/10)
-addresses the topic in a coherent and wellstructured manner, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the issue(s) raised in the question
-supports presentation of content with relevant appropriate and accurate stimulas material
-makes use of appropriate terms and concepts
-engages the audience at a high level
-consistently uses all of the following: appropriate gesture, volume and tone
-establishes and maintains eye contact and use notes effectively
-seminar is no less thant 15 mins and no more thant 25 mins
- provides a complete biblio using at least 3 types of sources.
Criteria for the essay
band 6 ( 18-20/20)
-addresses the question asked with a sophisticated and sustained argument, which demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the issue(s) raised in the question
-presents a logical, coherent and well structured response drawing on a clear identification of relevant key features
-supports interpretation with detaield relevant and accurate historical information and makes use of appropriate terms and concepts
well since its a modern topic and not many historians have looked into it, then it probably doesn't make it a good topic to study but looking at it criteria wise am i able to pull this through without historians addressing it? im aiming to get the highest mark possible but i want to do something modern and recent like 9/11. pretty much im really interested in any big events happening 1980 - present so because internet and digital revolution weren't addressed by historians im guessing i might not be able to get a band 6 through lack of good sources. are there any big events or really interesting people that are within that range? otherwise ill probably be doing something like invention of the printing press...
Edit: something that historians would actually debate about. would Kim jong il be appropriate?