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Hezbollah's Victory (1 Viewer)


Jul 2, 2004
sam04u said:
What Arab hegemony? Are you completely bonkers? Arabs have no power even in their own houses. The Arabs are powerless. And if we followed your route, we should even throw away our sovereignty. The only time in the last 30 years the Arabs have ever had respect is either when Egypt took up arms, in the Yom Kippur war (as is called by Israel) and they left the rubble of Israeli tanks on the beaches. And Hezbollah.
The Arabs have power in that they can limit the supply of oil and thereby cripple the world economy. At the moment OPEC is already limiting supply in order to get better prices for its members. If all the Arab countries agree to raise the OPEC quotas, the price of oil would be far less than it is today.

The rising price of oil is the primary reason for the economic problems in Australia such as 4% inflation and high interest rates.

The Arabs use of oil as a weapon proved very effective in 1973.

sam04u said:
You are a fucking moron. What has HEZBOLLAH EVER DONE FOR IRAN? They've done nothing for Iran. Iran is doing something for Hezbollah, and for Lebanon. They're giving us an ounce of pride again, and ounce of dignity. The right to defend ourselves, and our interests.
Iran helps train Hezbollah fighters and is Hezbollah's main source of weapons and funds. Surely Iran would want something in return? I believe Iran giving Hezbollah all these rockets that can reach deep into northern Israel (which has plenty of cities and towns) was probably done to make northern Israel an extra front in an Israel-Iran confrontation.
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Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
sams057 said:
sam04u, how do you expect hezbollah to be a resistance force FOR LEBANON, when the majority of the lebanese don't support them
What a ludicrous statement. Most Lebanese do support Hezbollah. So what you're saying is utterly ridiculous. Lebanon does not want Israel to impede on it's sovereignty, it wants just like any self-respecting country to have a right to self determination, and other such.

they claim to speak for the lebanese yet the obvious truth is that most lebanese hate them
In what sense is that obvious? It's not obvious at all. Infact forget the recent polls, just take a look at the turn out they get, and exposure. How can you deny that they're a popular resistance force when they're so widely known and praised? Hell, even Haifa Wehbe supports Hezbollah.

They started the 2006 july war
You're such a moron. Israel blew up, and killed over 1,000 Lebanese civilian to get back two of their soldiers in 2006. Yet Israel had five Lebanese civilians in their dungeons, and you don't expect Hezbollah to do what's in their power to get them back? How can you justify Israel's action of killing 1,000 Lebanese civilians, and dropping 1 million cluster bombs over Lebanon for the return of 2 of their men. But you can't justify Hezbollah kidnapping 2 soldiers, and killing 5 for the return of 5 of their men?

Such utter hypocrisy.

well i say fuck them, here's an idea, maybe stop starting wars which kills thousands of people and displace thousands more, and maybe, just maybe they might muster some support from the lebanese
They didn't start that war you moron. Israel was holding Lebanese as prisoners, and wouldn't negotiate with Hezbollah for their return. They were also holding the bodies of hundreds of dead.

Sam I can't think of a single lebanese mate of mine that supports Hezbollah. I went out and asked a few.
Lebanon in itself is like a boiling couldron of politics. If you look at the different political parties and leaders in Lebanon, their policies, and their works in life, you would laugh at how complex it is. Lebanese politics is so complicated, that understanding it completely requires the equivalent knowledge of <insert high qualification> in <insert difficult topic>.

So it's quite possible, depending on the political landscape on the day, the time you asked them, their mood on the day, the way you worded the question -- that you would get a negative response.

But in general, the overwhelming Lebanese response in regards to Hezbollah is positive. They're a resistance force, they won the first confrontation both politically and militarily with Israel since '78. They managed to both expell, and maintain their rights under international law, of Lebanon.

But there are some, some which really detest the idea of military struggle. And would rather watch their country living in the way Hassan Nasrallah describes it "eating and drinking - zombies". That is to say they have no "ema", or respect and dignity. Living in a state somewhat like Egypt, with a dictator, with a single party in power forever, with no right to question or defend it's own sovereignty, with no way of supporting even with words the Palestinians or their plight, especially not in the Gaza Strip.

A real country should have the right to defend itself and it's interests. And also to have a voice in politics, the right to criticise nations when they act in an unacceptable manner, and not to sit idley by, whilst injustices are commited.

itz a country formed by a british dikheds so USA could win WWI for the allies
Um.. even if you take into account the balfour declaration, and the first Jewish "aleyah" to "teh promusd landz", would not be for the reason you mentioned. But you're right in that Britain gave a country which wasn't theirs to the Zionists. Who accepted a country as theirs, even though there were others living there.

With due respects who wants to be associated with a nation filled with sectarian violence? Lebanon is not the "beacon of hope, freedom and democracy" (as cliche as that is) that the State of Israel is.
Israel is an apartheid state. They have streets where only Jews are allowed to enter. They have checkpoints all over the predominantly arab neighbourhoods, and they racially and religiously segregate people, give them less oppurtunities to progress in the world of politics and business. It's in no way, shape, or form, a beacon of hope or freedom.

The Arabs have power in that they can limit the supply of oil...
The puppet Arab countries, which are loaded with U.S military bases, and act only in the interest of the United States, even when it would be more profitable to them and their people to operate in their own interest, have no power whatsoever. They're puppets, they do what their told.

Iran helps train Hezbollah fighters and is Hezbollah's main source of weapons and funds. Surely Iran would want something in return? I believe Iran giving Hezbollah all these rockets that can reach deep into northern Israel (which has plenty of cities and towns) was probably done to make northern Israel an extra front in an Israel-Iran confrontation.
You're right. Israel understands that.
But so far, Hezbollah has done nothing for Iran.
Hezbollah would be vastly unpopular (and disarmed by the Lebanese forces) if it attempted to drag Lebanon into a war over Iran. Israel knows that too.


May 18, 2007
i love chicken, i love liver, meow mix meow mix, please deliver


Pan fried Steak
Mar 9, 2008
sam04u said:
Israel is an apartheid state. They have streets where only Jews are allowed to enter. They have checkpoints all over the predominantly arab neighbourhoods, and they racially and religiously segregate people.
What? Where? Can you source this, please? Sounds inconceivable from a country such as Israel.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Schoe said:
Sam you haven't presented any evidence that the lebanese support hezbollah, and anecdotally all of the lebanese individuals I've asked have said they definitively do not support hezbollah.
SMH said:
Mostly Shi'ite, non-Arab Iran may also try to ride on the new wave of popularity of the Shi'ite Hezbollah group in the region to make inroads into the Arab Sunni world. The popularity of Hezbollah's chief, Hasan Nasrallah, has grown even among Sunnis in Saudi Arabia, whose strict school of Islam considers Shi'ites as heretics.
Christian Science Monitor said:
The stakes are high for Hizbullah, but it seems it can count on an unprecedented swell of public support that cuts across sectarian lines. According to a poll released by the Beirut Center for Research and Information, 87 percent of Lebanese support Hizbullah's fight with Israel, a rise of 29 percent on a similar poll conducted in February. More striking, however, is the level of support for Hizbullah's resistance from non-Shiite communities. Eighty percent of Christians polled supported Hizbullah along with 80 percent of Druze and 89 percent of Sunnis.
Rohanz said:
What? Where? Can you source this, please? Sounds inconceivable from a country such as Israel.
There are sources all over the internet.


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
sam04u said:
What a ludicrous statement. Most Lebanese do support Hezbollah. So what you're saying is utterly ridiculous. Lebanon does not want Israel to impede on it's sovereignty, it wants just like any self-respecting country to have a right to self determination, and other such.
Most lebanese do not support Hizbollocks, in fact, many lebanese thanked Israel for killing 800 Hizbollock terrorists, 1000+ terrorist supporters and destroying hizbollock stronholds in lebanon. Most of their supporters are shia muslims and they deserve what they got. Endless civil wars, just as we witnessed Shia/Sunny fighting months ago.

In what sense is that obvious? It's not obvious at all. Infact forget the recent polls, just take a look at the turn out they get, and exposure. How can you deny that they're a popular resistance force when they're so widely known and praised? Hell, even Haifa Wehbe supports Hezbollah.
What are they resisting for? since Israel withdrew from Lebanon 8 years ago. If they are so widely known and praised then why cant they form a majority government. They have been destabilising force in Lebanon since their inception. Taking pleasure at killing their fellow lebanese. You deserve it, after all.

You're such a moron. Israel blew up, and killed over 1,000 Lebanese civilian to get back two of their soldiers in 2006. Yet Israel had five Lebanese civilians in their dungeons, and you don't expect Hezbollah to do what's in their power to get them back? How can you justify Israel's action of killing 1,000 Lebanese civilians, and dropping 1 million cluster bombs over Lebanon for the return of 2 of their men. But you can't justify Hezbollah kidnapping 2 soldiers, and killing 5 for the return of 5 of their men?

Such utter hypocrisy.

They didn't start that war you moron. Israel was holding Lebanese as prisoners, and wouldn't negotiate with Hezbollah for their return. They were also holding the bodies of hundreds of dead.
HIzbollocks and its supporter like you, begged Israel to kill 1000 Lebanese civilians and 800 Hizbollock terrorists by attacking Israel. You got what you want, death , and stop whining. Try Kidnapping Israeli soldier again, and die again in another thousands. Sore losers. No one sympathise you and the world wanted to see you hizbollock supporters punished and Beirut destroyed. After all you asked for it. :lol:

But in general, the overwhelming Lebanese response in regards to Hezbollah is positive. They're a resistance force, they won the first confrontation both politically and militarily with Israel since '78. They managed to both expell, and maintain their rights under international law, of Lebanon.
Hizbollock caused death to lebanese than any other organisation. A terrorist organisation. If they were loved so much as you tried to portray them, Overhelming majority of lebanese would vote for them in the election and put them to power. They didn't . HA HA

A real country should have the right to defend itself and it's interests. And also to have a voice in politics, the right to criticise nations when they act in an unacceptable manner, and not to sit idley by, whilst injustices are commited.
Thats why US and Israel kicked Syrians out of Lebanon, to make it a true democracy while you and your hizbollock cohorts did your best to destroy Lebanon.

Um.. even if you take into account the balfour declaration, and the first Jewish "aleyah" to "teh promusd landz", would not be for the reason you mentioned. But you're right in that Britain gave a country which wasn't theirs to the Zionists. Who accepted a country as theirs, even though there were others living there.
It was UN that gave Israel to jews, Britain abstained, retard. Eitherway, lebs has no business in talking about the internal politics of Palestine and Israel.

Israel is an apartheid state. They have streets where only Jews are allowed to enter. They have checkpoints all over the predominantly arab neighbourhoods, and they racially and religiously segregate people, give them less oppurtunities to progress in the world of politics and business. It's in no way, shape, or form, a beacon of hope or freedom.
Saudi Arabia only allows muslim into Mecca, thats apartheid too why dont you go cry and whine about it. Checkpoints were there to catch terrorist supporters like you. It is not surprising many muslim arabs prefers to live in Apartheid Israel than free Arabs countries ha ha.

Just as we speak, 15 people are killed in Istanbul by Muslim Terrorist, and also 45 people in Ahmedabad in India. I bet they made Allah proud.
Tee hee:lol:


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Aryanbeauty said:
Most lebanese do not support Hizbollocks
You're a moron. What's Hizbollocks?

In fact, many lebanese thanked Israel for killing 800 Hizbollock terrorists, 1000+ terrorist supporters
Are the children killed in Qana "terrorist supporters"?
The women and children seeking shelter?
Why was the building blown up over them? Israel has no excuses. And no self-respecting Lebanese person could support Israel's ballistic and disproportionate force on civilian targets in that way.

What are they resisting for?
I really don't understand how such an ingrained hypocrisy exists in your mind.
Lets ignore the Shebaa farm territory for now, and deal with the recent prisoner swap.

Israel started a war in 2006, and killed over 1000 civilians, and only a few Hezbollah guerillas. Because Hezbollah had captuted 2 Israeli soldiers.

Hezbollah captured those two Israeli soldiers, because ISRAEL was holding 5 Hezbollah soldiers, and hundreds of dead Lebanese and Palestinians. How can you say one side is not resisting, when they were the original targets?

AryanBeingaMoron said:
Seriously, you know you're wrong on this. As anyone who has learnt on this topic does. It's why every significant U.S leader eventually criticises Israel, it's why the world opinion on Israel is as it is.

You know very well Hezbollah was in the right and Hezbollah won. And Israel, is a terrorist state. But you can deny it for as long as you like.
Aug 15, 2006
Sydney, NSW
JaredR said:
With due respects who wants to be associated with a nation filled with sectarian violence? Lebanon is not the "beacon of hope, freedom and democracy" (as cliche as that is) that the State of Israel is.
Who wants to be associate with a state, whom has illegally - as recognised by every country, occupied land from Palestine for decades, whom breaks the Geneva convention by building residencies and towns on foreign, occupied land, whom sets up checkpoints and hinders the movement of another country's citizens - to school, to the shops, to the hospitals, on their own soil, whom is strategically taking control of every water resource in the Palestinian lands, whom continuously bombs and kills innocent civilians, and whom invades countries at will, damages their infrastructure and kills their civilians, whom manipulates world and US media to always tell the story from their side and heavily biased perspective.

Oh wait...of course - USA would.

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Jul 2, 2004
Starcraftmazter said:
whom sets up checkpoints and hinders the movement of another country's citizens - to school, to the shops, to the hospitals, on their own soil
Yes its horrible to have the Palestinians go through checkpoints but the checkpoints save Israeli lives.

Starcraftmazter said:
whom manipulates world and US media to always tell the story from their side and heavily biased perspective.
US media is biased but in the rest of the world there isnt significant media bias towards Israel. If anything there is probably more of a Palestinain/Lebanese bias. Also, the media in the Arab world is more biased than the coverage in the US.

sam04u said:
Living in a state somewhat like Egypt, with a dictator, with a single party in power forever, with no right to question or defend it's own sovereignty, with no way of supporting even with words the Palestinians or their plight, especially not in the Gaza Strip.
At the start of the year a section of the wall between Egypt and Gaza was blown up. Egypt allowed thousands of Palestinians to cross into Egypt. The US and Israel wanted Egypt to repair the wall immediately but they didnt.

I fear that if there is democracy in Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood will come to power and Egypt will be very hostile towards Israel again. However, I am a supporter of democracy so its a dilemma for me.

sam04u said:
Israel is an apartheid state. They have streets where only Jews are allowed to enter. They have checkpoints all over the predominantly arab neighbourhoods, and they racially and religiously segregate people, give them less oppurtunities to progress in the world of politics and business. It's in no way, shape, or form, a beacon of hope or freedom.
Ive never heard of Jew only streets, where are they? Ive heard of Israeli only streets. Israelis whether they are Jewish, Druze, Christian, Muslim, Bedouin, etc can drive on those streets.

When I went to northern Israel at the start of the year I saw two towns, a Jewish town and a Arab town, separated by about 2 kilometres. So yes there is some segregation but I dont know whether it was forced or voluntary. However, Haifa is a very multicultural city and there is a high degree social cohesion.

Ive heard that there is some racism towards non-Jews in Israel but it is a completely different level to what blacks and mixed race people experienced in aparthied South Africa.
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Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
sam04u said:
You're a moron. What's Hizbollocks?

Are the children killed in Qana "terrorist supporters"?
The women and children seeking shelter?
Why was the building blown up over them? Israel has no excuses. And no self-respecting Lebanese person could support Israel's ballistic and disproportionate force on civilian targets in that way.
Yes, with each lebs terrorist supporters dead, Israel and Lebanon are closer to peace. Children were placed next to missiles and weapons so they can be killed when missiles and weapons are destroyed by Israeli bombs. And then claim innocents being killed. Everyone knows your shameful strategy of maximixing civilian casualty and no one sympathise you.

I really don't understand how such an ingrained hypocrisy exists in your mind.
Lets ignore the Shebaa farm territory for now, and deal with the recent prisoner swap.
Sheba farms according to UN belonged to Syria and seized from Syria by Israel in Six Day's war. The winner of the War have the right to seize lands from coward arabs.

Israel started a war in 2006, and killed over 1000 civilians, and only a few Hezbollah guerillas. Because Hezbollah had captuted 2 Israeli soldiers.

Hezbollah captured those two Israeli soldiers, because ISRAEL was holding 5 Hezbollah soldiers, and hundreds of dead Lebanese and Palestinians. How can you say one side is not resisting, when they were the original targets?
So Hizbollock started the war by attacking Israeli soldiers inside Israel and Israel have every right to strike back and it did with a grand success, killing 800 hizbollock Terrorists and 1000+ terrorist supporters in the process. With such spectacular successful strike against hizbollock terrorists, it is not surprising that hizbollock didnt dare to cross the border again. ha ha

Seriously, you know you're wrong on this. As anyone who has learnt on this topic does. It's why every significant U.S leader eventually criticises Israel, it's why the world opinion on Israel is as it is.

You know very well Hezbollah was in the right and Hezbollah won. And Israel, is a terrorist state. But you can deny it for as long as you like.
Every US leader who criticise Israel always have harsher criticism for Hizbollocks. You can have as many win as you like, as long as 2000+ lebs and terrorists are killed in the process. :D
Aug 15, 2006
Sydney, NSW
ZabZu said:
Yes its horrible to have the Palestinians go through checkpoints but the checkpoints save Israeli lives.
Perhaps if you learned to compromise and not piss them off constantly, you may just learn to live together.

Palestinian children grow up learning that Israel is the devil due to your occupation of Palestine, this is a never ending problem which can only end many many decades after Israel ends it's occupation of Palestine. And even after that, you would need to make considerable effort and give Palestine considerable money to make up for it. Otherwise, it will just get worse for Israel - trying to suppress dissent within a foreign occupied country using your military will only cause military casualties and strengthen groups like Fatah who are more about action than words, which will make a long-term solution that much harder to achieve in the future.

ZabZu said:
US media is biased but in the rest of the world there isnt significant media bias towards Israel. If anything there is probably more of a Palestinain/Lebanese bias. Also, the media in the Arab world is more biased than the coverage in the US.
The Arab world doesn't supply Palestine with aircraft, tanks and nukes and various other military arms, which allow it to project force across the middle east, and fight other countries.


Jun 15, 2008
sam04u said:
What a ludicrous statement. Most Lebanese do support Hezbollah. So what you're saying is utterly ridiculous. Lebanon does not want Israel to impede on it's sovereignty, it wants just like any self-respecting country to have a right to self determination, and other such.

In what sense is that obvious? It's not obvious at all. Infact forget the recent polls, just take a look at the turn out they get, and exposure. How can you deny that they're a popular resistance force when they're so widely known and praised? Hell, even Haifa Wehbe supports Hezbollah.
you're so stupid do you know that, how the fuck can you say most lebanese support hezbollah when the fact is most of them don't...i have heaps and heaps of lebanese friends and i'lll tell you from now, i'd say around 90-95% of them are AGAINST hezbollah...and i have many relatives in lebanon and my friends relatives and they all can't stand them, especially since the most recent civil war about the supposed telephone cable which was just another ploy to muster support among the lebanese...time and fucking time again, they do something, which causes havoc to the lebanese, and then they try and muster support...the july war..they rebuild houses, give food , water, etc...recent civil war- part of the conditions of cease fire was to have a larger say in the happenings of the govt...and the current govt, and i'll say this because its the truth, are scared of hezbollah, the real lebanese army is so crap, if you blow in their direction they'll crumble, and frankly the did not want another fucking war so they agreed to hezbollah's demands...now release of prisoners from israeli jails, mark my words some shits gonna happen and hezbollahs gonna demand more influence in the parliament...and wtffff...how the fuck is their turn out an indication of their popularity WITH THE MAJORITY OF LEBANESE PEOPLE if their protests are staged in the south (shiite central)...for those of you who dont know, the south is shiite dominated, so its obvious as fuck that there's gonna be a big turn out for their rallies u troll...oh and also hav u seen the amount of people that turn out for saad harriri's protests...far more than hezbollah, evidence that saad harriri enjoys greater popularity with the lebanese, and he doesnt have to go start wars to do so...and lol yes i do know she supports hezbollah, obviously if you have a sex-capade with their leader you're going to be in favour of them ;)

sam04u said:
You're such a moron. Israel blew up, and killed over 1,000 Lebanese civilian to get back two of their soldiers in 2006. Yet Israel had five Lebanese civilians in their dungeons, and you don't expect Hezbollah to do what's in their power to get them back? How can you justify Israel's action of killing 1,000 Lebanese civilians, and dropping 1 million cluster bombs over Lebanon for the return of 2 of their men. But you can't justify Hezbollah kidnapping 2 soldiers, and killing 5 for the return of 5 of their men?

Such utter hypocrisy.
WTF did i ever justify israel's actions, i condemn them with every ounce of my bones, and its not israel or hezbollahs war tactics thats being discussed here, its the question of how you expect hezbollah to be a legitimate resistance force for the LEBANESE PEOPLE when the majority of them dont fucking like them, plain and simple

sam04u said:
They didn't start that war you moron. Israel was holding Lebanese as prisoners, and wouldn't negotiate with Hezbollah for their return. They were also holding the bodies of hundreds of dead.
hezbollah knew FULL WELL what the consequences of their actions would be...actually doing it was utter stupidity, as if they thought israel wouldnt put up a fight with all its got...so yes in a sense they did start it.

sam04u said:
Lebanon in itself is like a boiling couldron of politics. If you look at the different political parties and leaders in Lebanon, their policies, and their works in life, you would laugh at how complex it is. Lebanese politics is so complicated, that understanding it completely requires the equivalent knowledge of <insert high qualification> in <insert difficult topic>.

So it's quite possible, depending on the political landscape on the day, the time you asked them, their mood on the day, the way you worded the question -- that you would get a negative response.
please dont patronise me or anyone else on this forum with the 'ohh lebanese politics is so complicated' crap its not exactly the discovery of the century that lebanese politics is complicated....you're pretty stupid aren't you...oh yeh if im happy ill support hezbollah but u better not catch me in a grumpy mood, i mite say i hate them...stupid fuck...and wtff they way you worded the question????? there is only one fucking way to word a question like that...DO YOU LIKE HEZBOLLAH??? yes or fucking no and the majority sed no...as do the majority of lebanese here in australia and overseas.

sam04u said:
But in general, the overwhelming Lebanese response in regards to Hezbollah is positive. They're a resistance force, they won the first confrontation both politically and militarily with Israel since '78. They managed to both expell, and maintain their rights under international law, of Lebanon.
tell me where do u get your information from, about how the majority support hezbollah...trust me people organise functions HERE IN AUSTRALIA against hezbollah no joke, and trust me from speakin to so many people, the majority are against hezbollah, and just because hezbollah themelves claim to be a legititimate resistance force, it doesn't mean its true.

sam04u said:
You're right. Israel understands that.
But so far, Hezbollah has done nothing for Iran.
Hezbollah would be vastly unpopular (and disarmed by the Lebanese forces) if it attempted to drag Lebanon into a war over Iran. Israel knows that too.
look im going to just say it, no mattter how much you're going to argue against it or claim it is not true...the ultimate goal of hezbollah and iran is to make lebanon a shiite country, hence iran supplying and training hezbollah- hezbollah has war, hezbollah wins war, people love hezbollah, people put hezbollah into govt...hence the hostility to the chrisitans in lebanon, hence the consistent push to gain more influence in parliament...anyway all i can say is hezbollah should stop nit picking and inciting war, just sit tight, if israel decides to attack then by all means fucking attack them back, then and only then they will be classed as a legitimate resistance force...and btw...wtfff hezbollah disarmed by lebanese forces, the lebanese army are completely rubbish like i sed before and there is no way they can disarm hezbollah.
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Jun 15, 2008
sam04u said:

Mostly Shi'ite, non-Arab Iran may also try to ride on the new wave of popularity of the Shi'ite Hezbollah group in the region to make inroads into the Arab Sunni world. The popularity of Hezbollah's chief, Hasan Nasrallah, has grown even among Sunnis in Saudi Arabia, whose strict school of Islam considers Shi'ites as heretics.
SAUDI....not lebanon

sam04u said:

The stakes are high for Hizbullah, but it seems it can count on an unprecedented swell of public support that cuts across sectarian lines. According to a poll released by the Beirut Center for Research and Information, 87 percent of Lebanese support Hizbullah's fight with Israel, a rise of 29 percent on a similar poll conducted in February. More striking, however, is the level of support for Hizbullah's resistance from non-Shiite communities. Eighty percent of Christians polled supported Hizbullah along with 80 percent of Druze and 89 percent of Sunnis.

There are sources all over the internet.
wtf man it doesn't even make sense, they conducted these polls during and after the war, how the fuck does this give them credibility, here's a scenario

Survey person: (walks into a broken down house) Oh hello sir, im from the research centre and we're conducting a poll..do you support hezbollah

Lebanese person: (crying) where's my family

Survey person: oh i found a little girl and boy outside dead near the road, and i think this is your dead wife and mother (lifts a piece of the broken down house to reveal man's dead wife and mother)

Lebanese person: Ohhhh this is all israels fault, i hate them , they killed my family , i wish hezbollah wipes them out...ohh my familys all dead and i have no house and no money (more crying)

Survey person: i'll take that as a yes then.

really, you cannot take these polls seriously, everyone was angry with israel at the time, especially with what happened with qana...if everyone supported hezbollah why the recent civil war, even now as we speak more violence erupted btw sunni and alawite (shiite) forces..oh but that cant be right because THAT POLL SAYS SO...and wtff the fact that it says 80% of druze makes me even think of it as more bullshit...heard of someone called walid jumblatt? if you havent research, if you have tell me he and his party support hezbollah, tell me saad hariri, who really has the backing of the majorty of the lebanese, backs hezbollah, that poll was taken during and after the war, diminishing its credibility completely.


Jun 15, 2008
sam04u said:

Mostly Shi'ite, non-Arab Iran may also try to ride on the new wave of popularity of the Shi'ite Hezbollah group in the region to make inroads into the Arab Sunni world. The popularity of Hezbollah's chief, Hasan Nasrallah, has grown even among Sunnis in Saudi Arabia, whose strict school of Islam considers Shi'ites as heretics.
SAUDI....not lebanon

sam04u said:

The stakes are high for Hizbullah, but it seems it can count on an unprecedented swell of public support that cuts across sectarian lines. According to a poll released by the Beirut Center for Research and Information, 87 percent of Lebanese support Hizbullah's fight with Israel, a rise of 29 percent on a similar poll conducted in February. More striking, however, is the level of support for Hizbullah's resistance from non-Shiite communities. Eighty percent of Christians polled supported Hizbullah along with 80 percent of Druze and 89 percent of Sunnis.

There are sources all over the internet.
wtf man it doesn't even make sense, they conducted these polls during and after the war, how the fuck does this give them credibility, here's a scenario

Survey person: (walks into a broken down house) Oh hello sir, im from the research centre and we're conducting a poll..do you support hezbollah

Lebanese person: (crying) where's my family

Survey person: oh i found a little girl and boy outside dead near the road, and i think this is your dead wife and mother (lifts a piece of the broken down house to reveal man's dead wife and mother)

Lebanese person: Ohhhh this is all israels fault, i hate them , they killed my family , i wish hezbollah wipes them out...ohh my familys all dead and i have no house and no money (more crying)

Survey person: i'll take that as a yes then.

really, you cannot take these polls seriously, everyone was angry with israel at the time, especially with what happened with qana...if everyone supported hezbollah why the recent civil war, even now as we speak more violence erupted btw sunni and alawite (shiite) forces..oh but that cant be right because THAT POLL SAYS SO...and wtff the fact that it says 80% of druze makes me even think of it as more bullshit...heard of someone called walid jumblatt? if you havent research, if you have tell me he and his party support hezbollah, tell me saad hariri, who really has the backing of the majorty of the lebanese, backs hezbollah, that poll was taken during and after the war, diminishing its credibility completely...also all this reaffirms my point of hezbollah doing shit to gain support with lebanese, e.g. start a war with israel, let israel kill people, let lebanese hate israel, let lebanese support hezbollah, hezbolllah wins


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
sams057 said:
you're so stupid do you know that, how the fuck can you say most lebanese support hezbollah when the fact is most of them don't
You say that, yet all you have to support your statement is anectodal, undocumented, personal evidence?

Hezbollah could not exist if it weren't a popular organisation. Israel would have funded an opposition group in Lebanon if they were unpopular, and used that to start a civil war in Lebanon. But that just isn't the case.

Especially since the most recent civil war about the supposed telephone cable which was just another ploy to muster support among the lebanese
Just no. Hezbollah's communication system (something every political leader in Lebanon not willing to commit political suicide) admits is crucial to Lebanon's security, was taken down. Since that communication system was so vital to Lebanon's security, they had to ensure it was kept online.

...time and fucking time again, they do something, which causes havoc to the lebanese, and then they try and muster support...the july war..they rebuild houses, give food , water, etc...recent civil war- part of the conditions of cease fire was to have a larger say in the happenings of the govt...and the current govt
Right... the only thing that really changed in the government, in the doha meeting, was the formation of a unity government? That's such a bad idea right? The idea that led to Suleiman (former military general, and Christian) being the President of Lebanon? Oh that's totally Hezbollah trying to make the country Shi'ite.


and i'll say this because its the truth, are scared of hezbollah, the real lebanese army is so crap, if you blow in their direction they'll crumble, and frankly the did not want another fucking war so they agreed to hezbollah's demands
Quit making yourself out to be a fool. Israel would give the Lebanese government the latest weaponry, and tanks, and fucking missiles. If they wanted to disarm Hezbollah. So too would the United States, and Britain. They hate Hezbollah.

Also don't forget there is a mandatory service in Lebanon. All men have to serve a few years in the army. Yet despite that, I think you'll find more men wanting to fight amongst Hezbollah. :shy:

...now release of prisoners from israeli jails, mark my words some shits gonna happen and hezbollahs gonna demand more influence in the parliament...
You really just don't know enough about what's going on in Lebanon to even comment. Something already did happen. Israel lost the entire affair. Hezbollah's first move was to take the freed Lebanese prisoiners to Mugniyah's grave. Which, as seen by the popularity of that gathering, is a set-up for a potential, non-Iranian influenced Hezbollah incursion into Israel if it goes to war with Iran.

Basically, they lost the military war, the propoganda war, and also the peace terms. Israel knows that.

WTF did i ever justify israel's actions, i condemn them with every ounce of my bones, and its not israel or hezbollahs war tactics thats being discussed here, its the question of how you expect hezbollah to be a legitimate resistance force for the LEBANESE PEOPLE when the majority of them dont fucking like them, plain and simple
Hezbollah can not always exist. Nasrallah knows this. Eventually, under Suleiman, Nasrallah will progress into Lebanese politics, and Hezbollah's military wing will both train and merge into the Lebanese army. That unification, will give Lebanon the means to defend itself. But also ensure Hezbollah can not decide on it's own, when it's time to go to war.

The only problem is with the current Pro-US, Pro-Israel, anti-Neighbour government. That move can not occur. So until the political landscape in Lebanon changes, Hezbollah will remain as a resistance force.

hezbollah knew FULL WELL what the consequences of their actions would be
Hezbollah has calculated their every move. It's like chess, and Lebanon will win at the end of it.

look im going to just say it, no mattter how much you're going to argue against it or claim it is not true...the ultimate goal of hezbollah and iran is to make lebanon a shiite country
You really don't know enough. :p


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
really, you cannot take these polls seriously, everyone was angry with israel at the time, especially with what happened with qana
No, you're right. I should take your circumstancial evidence for fact over polls taken in Lebanon.

As a Lebanese Australian it's not hard to see that many Lebanese are completely detached from Lebanese politics. Merely because it is so complicated, and they have no effect over what happens over there. And if you're like that, then it's expected that you'll look for a scapegoat for what's happening in Lebanon. If you're doing particularly well off, and you switch on you Sky news, and you listen to Hezbollah being blamed for the whole thing. It's not impossible to believe you could oppose them.

But ask the people in Lebanon if they want to "resist" or "cease and desist", I can assure you. Although nobody wants war, they want the means to self determination and defence.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Exphate said:
Problem with this idea, is that how easy would it be for Hezbollah to infiltrate and steal the new weaponry?
My point exactly :p
If Israel tried that, they would basically be arming Hezbollah, that's how popular the organisation is at the moment. But if they were unpopular as the other sam would have you believe. That would be impossible.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
sam04u said:
Hezbollah would defend against Israeli aggression on it's own territories and in the region regardless.

But what Israel was attempting, was to disarm Hezbollah from WITHIN Lebanon. Hence making it seem like Hezbollah was redundant (by doing the right thing by Lebanon) and making them seem to be a threat to Lebanon's security (sending mass-messages to Lebanon via pre-recorded messages sent to the phones of many Lebanese), they're attempting to make that point.

The funny fact is, in many cases those who support Hezbollah are the poorer, and those who live in the south. Most of which communicate by mobile phones. :p They got the wrong audience with their propoganda lol.
That's what I figured. Hezbollah will always find a new reason to attack Israel even if Israel gives back the Sheba farms.

Surely a militia group that has an ongoing low level conflict with Lebanon's well armed neighbour that often flares up into full blown conflict is a threat to Lebanese national security?

Hezbollah's biggest supporters are the poor shiite yokels. The business elite in Lebanon is disproportionately made up of Lebanese Christians.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
banco55 said:
That's what I figured. Hezbollah will always find a new reason to attack Israel even if Israel gives back the Sheba farms.
Nope. Based on what I've seen. It's possible that Hezbollah plans to fully merge into the Lebanese government (Hezbollah already has elected bodies in parliament, etc). Ideally, with Nasrallah at the helm, or as high up as possible. With the military wing training and later merging into the Army.

Hezbollah, and in extension Lebanon, does not want to war with Israel.

Surely a militia group that has an ongoing low level conflict with Lebanon's well armed neighbour that often flares up into full blown conflict is a threat to Lebanese national security?
Well, it would be seen as such if Hezbollah was not a competent fighting force, who without a doubt would defend Lebanon against any agression, and weren't working towards the interests of many Lebanese.

The business elite in Lebanon is disproportionately made up of Lebanese Christians.
Perhaps. But even so, according to polls80% of Lebanese Christians support Hezbollah.


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
sam04u said:
Basically, they lost the military war, the propoganda war, and also the peace terms. Israel knows that.
Militarily , more than 800 hizbollocks terrorists were killed. Israel won.

In terms of propaganda, We are yet to find a non arab government who support hizbollah. Israel won.

In terms of peace, so far, more than 100 people have been killed in Lebanon after Israel destruction of Hizbollah and Southern Lebanon. With most of the fightings between Hizbollocks and Sunni militia. Now thats peace for you. :lol:

Over all 800 hizbollocks terrorists and more than 1000 terrorist supporting lebanese paid with their lives for the release of 5 Hizbollock terrorists.

Now thats what we call a "sweet deal." You can do it again any time with 500 lebs lives per 1 lebs prisoner. Tee hee

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