Jason Hui 88' Second?
sorry AI but you're way off on this one. if 485 was the maximum since the new hsc then using sam no one got 100 uai. THe minimum is about 486.6 aggregate points for 100 uai using sam
Jason Hui, Doctor, 496. He's probably second behind that Laurie guy.
I forgot the site and so here's the article
HSC stars 10 years on
(Edited Extract From "Sunday Life" January '99)
Jason Hui, 27, of Sydney Boys' High, came first in the state in 1988 with 496. He studied 4U maths, 2U English, 2U physics, 2U chemistry and 2U economics and is a doctor.
When he arrived in Australia at 13, Hui's English skills were poor. He started year 9 and could barely understand the teacher.
His parents had sent him and his older brother out from Hong Kong to study. They boarded with an Australian family throughout high school and their parents visited when they could. "If you come from overseas with the aim of studying and going to university, you tend to be very focused and less distracted by other things. As the HSC drew closer I just studied whenever there was time. But I loved maths, physics and chemistry so it wasn't a burden.
"Working hard was the norm in my school. It was a fantastic year with a lot of very bright people—there were two 4-Unit maths classes. I think we all pushed each other along and there was a lot of competition. I’m sure I wouldn’t have done as well at another school."
At the time, Hui was tossing up between medicine and engineering and says he probably chose medicine "because there were a lot of engineers in my family and I wanted to do something different." Looking back, it was the right choice. I can’t imagine myself in anything different.
"The amazing thing about medicine is you never stop learning. At each stage you encounter new situations and you have new and difficult decisions to make. That’s what makes it so interesting."
Hui did six years at Sydney University, sharing the University Medal with Mark Gorbatov (88)—a former Sydney Boys’ classmate who came second in the HSC in the same year with 495.
"When I did the HSC, people said it was the hardest exam you ever did. At Uni, you quickly realise that is totally untrue. Exams get harder as you become more advanced and studying and working at the same time is much harder. To work 9-10 hours a day and then get home, have dinner and spend three or four more hours studying is very difficult."