Are you referring to the Holocaust from the WWII Conflict in Europe topic?
Well anyways, either way, just include intentionalist Vs. functionalist.
Browning - Hitler's commited to final solution from the beginning
Michael Marrus - Hitler's intense hatred of Jews was the principlae driving force of Anti-Semitism. 'No Hitler, no Holocaust'
Hitler's letters in 1919, his vision communicated through Mein Kempft written in 1923 and his speech in 1939 are all evidence supporting these arguments. e.g. Hitler says that the outcome of WWII will not be the volshevization of earth, but annihilation of Jewish race in Europe.
They basically take the line that Hitler is a distant leader, lazy and incompetent. and Holocaust is a result of improvisation.
Brostaz - Holocaust was a result of local Nazi initiatives, not a directive from the Hitler. It was forced by the limited space of General Gouvernment, and reinforced the sporadic murder of Jews.
Mommsen - it was a result of wartime emergency, Hitler wass incapable of formulating a blue print.
Functionalists also emphasise the point of chaotic structure etc.
Toying with Madagascar plan and emigration also support that the Holocaust was an 'evolution' rather than determined outcome.
hope it helps.