Nathan- do you have screencaps of Jack and Martha's kiss from tonight?? Please tell me you do, i really want that one
Or any Jack and Martha screencaps
I loved tonights ep
I love Jack and I love Martha and I hate Ashton, but i love Jack and Martha.
Anywyas, basically Sally came home, and there was a party for her. Alf yelled at Martha for yelling at Morag. Jack overhead Martha and Ashton talking about Rianna and the kids, and then Jack told AShton off and told him his not allowed to hurt Martha, then Jack confronted Martha, and she just told him that she wants him to support her decision, so he is. Oh and then Martha stupidly annouced it to the whole party that AShton is married with kids, and Colleen was all OMG and whatever, then Martha moved out. Oh and kit had an ultrasound and at first Kim didnt go and then TOny accidently blurted it out to Rachel and Kim during lunch and Rach forced him to go, and they saw their baby and it was cute. Thats about it
predict a biased and angry recap from Tasha tonight.
Im not angry, im happy. I love Jack and Martha, and im never gonna hate them again. How could i be angry when there were J/M scenes
Now can i please have screencaps of them together
especially the kiss??
Anywyas, im off to watch Greys Anatomy, so i'll be back later. Bubyes