Name: Nathan
Age: 18
Height: How long is a piece of string.
Fav food: Hmmmm I like Twisters oh and Salad is always good.
Fav drink: Pepsi
Fav music: *hums to some kind of music*
Fav movie: How about last saw instead which was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Fav TV show: I could say Home and Away but Stargate would probably be it.
Since I have watched it longer
On-line activities: BOS HAA thread, foruming, gamming sometimes, chating etc
Immediate goals:
General ambition in life: To have a life.
Do you plan on getting married?yes/no HAHA plan is a brilliant word, got to have someone before you starting planning that.
chidlren:yes/no if yes how much: Oh as if I can answer that question at this stage of my life.
Have you ever...contiuing from last time, put in bold wwhat you've done
made out with a member of the same sex
been in love - well I would say most lust then 'love'
been dumped
been fired
been arrested
seen someone die
wished someone would die
thrown up in a bar
been moshing/crowd surfing at a show
had a tea party?
been robbed
ran a red light - when it was orange when I crossed the line and turned red before I crossed the second line.
witnessed a crime?
hated the way you look
swam in the ocean
jumped off a bridge
told a complete stranger you loved them
ate dog/cat food
glued your hand to something - My other hand.
got your tongue stuck to a flag pole
talked on the phone for more than 4 hours - I have done an audio conversation for that long on yahoo/skype.
had a tree house/club house - I have a cubby house in my backyard.
forgotten someone's name - Many a time.
caught a butterfly - With a bug catcher.
played chicken
Age: 18
Height: How long is a piece of string.
Fav food: Hmmmm I like Twisters oh and Salad is always good.
Fav drink: Pepsi
Fav music: *hums to some kind of music*
Fav movie: How about last saw instead which was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Fav TV show: I could say Home and Away but Stargate would probably be it.
On-line activities: BOS HAA thread, foruming, gamming sometimes, chating etc
Immediate goals:
General ambition in life: To have a life.
Do you plan on getting married?yes/no HAHA plan is a brilliant word, got to have someone before you starting planning that.
chidlren:yes/no if yes how much: Oh as if I can answer that question at this stage of my life.
Have you ever...contiuing from last time, put in bold wwhat you've done
made out with a member of the same sex
been in love - well I would say most lust then 'love'
been dumped
been fired
been arrested
seen someone die
wished someone would die
thrown up in a bar
been moshing/crowd surfing at a show
had a tea party?
been robbed
ran a red light - when it was orange when I crossed the line and turned red before I crossed the second line.
witnessed a crime?
hated the way you look
swam in the ocean
jumped off a bridge
told a complete stranger you loved them
ate dog/cat food
glued your hand to something - My other hand.
got your tongue stuck to a flag pole
talked on the phone for more than 4 hours - I have done an audio conversation for that long on yahoo/skype.
had a tree house/club house - I have a cubby house in my backyard.
forgotten someone's name - Many a time.
caught a butterfly - With a bug catcher.
played chicken