Forever is overrated!!
I loved Marthas skirt. BUt i hate her
Poor Jacky. He got rejected. I felt so sorry for him. And theyre so cute together. The second part of them at the Holden House, esp when she threw him the keys. But i guess its understandable where she is coming from. Living with your ex-husband would be hard. Oh wellz, poor Jacky when she said a guy is moving in with her
Aw...i just wanted to hug him. But yay Hugh and Martha scenes now. I guess we'll be getting a lot of those and very few JM scenes
Oh wellz 
Ummm...Rachel was annoying tonight. Poor Hugh. Im glad he is moving out. And KiKi and Baby Archie photoshoot, sooo cute <3 This baby Archie has a chubbier face, but still cute <3
Overall, good episode
Cant wait for tomorrow and Hugh/Martha interaction. Hopefully a jealous Jacky

Ummm...Rachel was annoying tonight. Poor Hugh. Im glad he is moving out. And KiKi and Baby Archie photoshoot, sooo cute <3 This baby Archie has a chubbier face, but still cute <3
Overall, good episode