Hahha geez i cant believe this thread is STILL going and still being taken seriously.
UNSW has about 30,000 people.
Of course there are going to be a significant number of attractive people.
There are also a shit load of ugly ones!!
Thing is when your walking in a crowd you dont take notice of the ugly ones, your eyes just slide over them, where as when u see an attractive one you kindof pay attention.
Harsh, but true.
Its not that there are MORE attractive ones, its just that when an hot person walks by they actually make an impression.
That being said i gotta say i like the overall look of UNSW more than Usyd, not just cuz i go there, but after sussing out the Manning well... they all kinda look the same.
Yeah there were alot of hot people, but it was all hot snooty sameness.
Girls all had the same little straight haired, sleek and sexy look.. mostly black short shorts w/ heels and singlet, yeah looking hot, but all looking the same!
Majority of guys simply had the whole preppy look going on. I dont feel it needs an explanation.
I need variety, UNSW seems to have more Boho/individual looking people.
No, im not saying ALL usyd people dress the same, but well at the Manning that was certainly the case, i just felt so... odd.
And im not saying all UNSW people are cool.
BTW seems to be a very high guy:girl ratio an UNSW, maybe due to all the engineering guys.
Im not complaining
edit @ Azzie: Hot nigels are the easiest to go up to and strike up a convo with.
Seriosuly the number of times i use the "Hi, you seem to have no friends, mind if i join you" line is pathertic.
But it works a treat.
Usually im simply greeted with a warm smile and a "sure

OMG OMG i just realised, thats my pickup line!