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How ATAR estimates are calculated on this forum (1 Viewer)


Feb 17, 2011
I have notice an increasing amount of ATAR estimates and i want to make a few things clear before people get their hopes up or down.

I will add and style later but

When I ask for an estimate what information should I add

When you ask ensure that you list

1. All the subjects you do
2. All your subject ranks
3. Your school rank ( this can be found by a google search)

The reason you don't need to add marks is that simply they don't matter as the HSC is about ranks

How accurate are these estimates

In short not very.

However it will give you a rough estimate ( if estimably properly).

How does this work

In short, since the ATAR is a rank a highly ranked school should in theory have a large amount of candidates who can achieve high. Therefore what people look at is your relative rank in your school and then they look at your schools relative rank.

For example a student in James ruse who is ranked first in every subject statistically is more likely to get a higher ATAR than someone who is ranked first in a school in Mount Druit

Basically we accumulate these factors to guess an ATAR which is likely

So am I going to get a bad ATAR just because I go to a poorly ranked school (mount druid )


That school rank was based upon last years cohort. So anything can happen with your new cohort. However if your school constantly comes a certain rank e.g. Usually around 120 you can assume your school follows a similar trend. ( Since James ruse usually tops the state we usually associate that James Ruse will always be there, this is why people often compare schools to James Ruse. )

To note schools ranked beyond 200 often are too closely ranked together to distinguish properly n

In short you are not disadvantaged if you go to a poorly ranked school.

The estimate given to me is different to that on the online calculator.

Often this is the case. However the online caculators don't factor in school ranks whilst we do. Therefore there often are differences.

Why are ranks so important

This is an over asked question. There is a sticky of this which provides a good answer but in short.

Your HSC mark is in two parts a internal and external part (each worth 50%)

Everyone keeps their external mark as their external

But your internal mark is based upon your cohorts performance in the external exam. BOS uses this with your ranks to get your internal mark. How this works is that ranked first internally will recieve the highest external mark as their internal and the person ranked last will receive the lowest external mark as their internal mark. The rest are then calculated based upon relative gaps and what not.

If you understand this, you'll see why your ranks makes a difference and not marks.

which members will give you the best estimates

This is a debatable question. I would say most HSC leaders could and all mods/admins. However this doesn't mean a normal member can't give a good estimate. Also don't hassle people for an estimate, it's not nice.

( I am a 2012 HSCer so I haven't left. I am writing this because a lot if people ask this)

What else do I need to know

It doesn't matter what school/subject combo you do, you aren't disadvantaged. What happened last year doesn't mean it will happen this year

Just remember that people will just estimate your ATAR purely on the factors presented which are your ranks. This will not impede your ability to obtain your desired ATAR. Also regardless of what people say don't get your hopes up or lose your motivation, just because someone says you should get around 90 or 40 doesn't mean you'll get it.
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Feb 11, 2011
Mare Crisium
This is a must read for those who are looking for an ATAR estimate.


New Member
Oct 5, 2011
It should also be noted that school ranks aren't terribly accurate because they go off how many Band 6's the school gets (although it's fair to say the top 50 are fairly accurate). So, this isn't a good indication on ATAR because ATAR doesn't go by Band 6's, they go by your rank and performance in the state. Because of this, just because your school is 200 ranked, you could have easily been ranked in the top 100 if all your 89s became 90s.

And because of this method of ranking, it doesn't discriminate between a 90 in Dance or Aboriginal Studies, and an 89 in MX2 and Physics. Whilst scaling is carried out afresh each year, I speculate that those with an 89 in MX2 and Physics would receive more ATAR aggregate points for those subjects, compared to those others getting a 90 in Dance or Aboriginal Studies.

I think it's important to give the highest ATAR and median ATAR of your school for the previous year or if that was an outlier year, then the previous-previous year.


Nov 9, 2009
do you not have anything else to do but write that whilst in your hsc year? play a game or run outside or something.

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