Originally posted by astron
My turn to nit pick 
Only one point. Huy said that synthesise is the same as textual integrity.
It is not. Synthesis is the drawing of links between texts. It is crucial, especially in the area of study, and Modules A and C.
In Module B, it is more about drawing common threads between the various shakespearean adaptations (for King Lear).
Textual Integrity is the unity of a text, the sum of all elements that makes it a classic. It will earn you extra marks if you can talk about it in Module B. Its kinda hard to explain over the net, but ask you english teacher to explain it to you. It should help.
I'll just climb off my high perch now.
10.4 HSC Outcomes
Outcome 2: 'A student explains relationships among texts'
2A. 'A student recognises different ways in which particular texts are valued'
Intertextuality: refers to relationships between texts. Readers or viewers also make their own textual links between texts.
In my defence, I can only conclude that it has been a case of mistaken 'technique'
I had confused synthesising (outcome 2) with other devices like intertextuality.
I hope this clears it up
(Phew ... textual integrity is a whole other matter)
Potato, 'potatoe', tomato, 'tomatoe'
Let's call the whole thing off!
Hahah okay I'll admit defeat

But it's all the same thing to me!
Synthesising, textual integrity, intertextuality.
mmm ... I'll get off my high horse too