Parenting and Carers Question
Omg! i think i did that 15mark question totally wrong then.. reading wot every1 else has done! It was so shit! it wasnt worth that many marks!
I wrote about the different rights and repsonsibiltys of parents and carers in general like limits, duty of care, discipline etc, and then i talked about like in a sitation of medical emergency carers cant make the legal decisions.. n jus other stuff that i cant rememebr.. i crapped on SOOO much! poor markers... i think i woulda gotten like 5/15! if im lucky argh

I Also had my geography exam in the morning so by the time cafs came i had a giant headache sore hand and i was soooo tired! so i think that affected me alot.. in my trials i got 93%, n i was hoping for a mark similar in the hsc.. but having geography in the morning i think affected me alot cuz i was soo tired that i didnt even wanna finish cafs! n my knuckles split n where bleedin in the exam from writting so much!