Tim035 said:
Thanks, these are the kind of points I needed.
I've already started this afternoon, going back to my raw notes and summaries and making more concise summaries/looking for ways to say things better or in a more technical sense.
I'm thinking the biggest problem with my essays is I kinda take a few setences leaning into my argument and a few sentences leaning out of what I've argued. Too much of my essays are just waffly and don't have the character-example/technique-effect sentence structure which is what the markers are looking for.
I've thought about a tutor... how helpful are they? Like can they legally help you through your essays sentence by sentence, ensuring your preparing band 5/6 responces?
A good tutor can help you a lot

They may or may not go through sentence by sentence - personally (as a tutor) I'll usually only do this for people who just have minor grammatical issues that need to be pointed out (or, if it is the last check-through before a hand-in assessment). But if there are a LOT of sentences that are not as refined as they could be then I believe that it's the thinking pattern that needs to be sorted out first

(getting to the root of the problem, so to speak)
The problem with HSC essays is that how much "essay writing" education you've had is really dependant on your teachers. They can be hardcore and incredibly picky like my teachers were (with both content and structure), or they might want to focus on only one of these, etc etc.
A good place to start is to work with a basic "SEE" (Statement/Example/Explaination) or "SEX" (Statement/Example/eXplaination) essay 'template' just to get your head around to the way you need to shape your responses
(everybody needs to build a solid essay foundation - DO NOT try to get all 'sophisticated' with 'flair' until you have a rock-solid foundation). Once you've got that hang of that,
then you can start playing around a little bit more
EDIT: Having read taco's and Porcia's responses above, of course you need to give that little bit extra to do well in either high school or uni-level responses. However, I personally think the OP should work more on learning to strengthen his argument first

When in doubt, a solid and "normal and boring" essay is better than the 'interesting' one with the weak/inconsistent argument