Hi Olivia,
My ratings...
Studying: 9/10 (I'm not a nerd, I just find human bodies and diesease etc fascinating

the only thing that could be better are the "discipline" of nursing subjects)
Classes: Well I have a varied liking for the classes in a semester. 10/10 for Patho because it's really interesting and I'm good at it. 8/10 for Adult Nursing becuase they're really hands on. 6/10 for Discipling of Nursing / Nursing Relationships because I'm not good at those airy-fairy subjects and hence don't like them too much
Clinicals: 10/10 - both my clinicals so far have been fantastic learning opportunites. I got sent to good hospitals both times and nurses/drs/physios were happy to answer my questions.
UTS Campus: Overall I'd give it a 5/10. UTS is purely functional. But I love Building 10 Level 7 (where the simulation labs are) - that part gets a 10/10
Lecturers: 8/10. I really like how things are set up and they are all really approachable. Notes are available 99% of the time on UTSOnline. We have a good mix of CNCs, CNEs, CNSs come talk to us.
Other nursing students: 8/10 Everyone I've met has been nice, you get to know the majority of the people in your course becuase there is only 1 lecture per subject so everyone is there at the same time. Making friends is easy because we're all going through the same stuff and having to learn embarrassing stuff like showering people

Overall we're a friendly bunch, but very female dominated

(ratio I'd say is about 70:30)
Hope that helps a bit