History God
Yeah while i am here reading all your other insightful comments, I had a flip through the paper in the minute i had at the end of doing my own questions and many of the 2nd half of the personality sections had tricky twists to them. particulaly albert speer in relating his role in arms to his allegiance to nazi ideology, well that was my question. Also, germany questions i thought were very wide ranging, the stalingrad qeution wasnt particularly specific cuz you had the oppertunity to assess other aspects of the fall of nazism and only required a low level of knoweldge of the acutal stalingrad, and rather a larger knowledge of the wider issues of the collapse of nazism, cuz lets face it, the battle of stalingrad didnt tear apart the nazi reigime. As for weimar, straight foward, and world war one, well pfft. peice of piss. As for your conflict studies i do arab/israeli which is pretty uncommon so i dont even know if i should bother commenting.
peace, love, out.