Then how I suppose to say about this?
May this explanation make the problems become more clearly. Since numbers 93-184 and 185-276 look similar to numbers 1-92, then I subtracted 92 from numbers 93-184 (as tables on hidden columns AE-AX) and subtracted 184 from numbers 185-276 (as tables on hidden columns BZ-CT).
Although this thread has been posted everywhere, but nobody can answer it yet. It’s very tough indeed. Numbers at the right side of each tables are total amount of numbers of each rows, it isn’t total SUM of numbers of each rows. Tables 1 and 4 both have the number 5 in cell {2,2}. Many others same thing happen as if there’s no connection from Table 1 to Table 2 (or other tables). So far I can recognize only patterns of the red & blue numbers as I described on Note: beneath Table 43:
The red numbers (1,5,9,13,17,41,45,49,53,57) never touch row 9, as the blue numbers (21,25,29,33,37,61,65,69,73,77) never touch row 0 (but it occurs on Table 9).
Number 1 will never be in the below row of number 5, number 5 will never be in the below row of number 9, number 9 will never be in the below row of number 13, number 13 will never be in the below row of number 17.
Number 41 will never be in the below row of number 45, number 45 will never be in the below row of number 49, number 49 will never be in the below row of number 53, number 53 will never be in the below row of number 57.
Number 21 will never be in the below row of number 25, number 25 will never be in the below row of number 29, number 29 will never be in the below row of number 33, number 33 will never be in the below row of number 37.
Number 61 will never be in the below row of number 65, number 65 will never be in the below row of number 69, number 69 will never be in the below row of number 73, number 73 will never be in the below row of number 77.
But these do not happen to black & green numbers.
And there’s like an ANOMALY on Table 9. Number 17 touches row 9, which on other tables number 17 is maximum touch row 8. Numbers 113,117,153 touch row 0, where they usually supposed not to be there.
Then I temporary concluded, perhaps an ideal table could be like this?
0 1 41 81 2 42 82 3 43 83 4 44 84
1 5 45 85 6 46 86 7 47 87 8 48 88
2 9 49 89 10 50 90 11 51 91 12 52 92
3 13 53 14 54 15 55 16 56
4 17 57 18 58 19 59 20 60
5 21 61 22 62 23 63 24 64
6 25 65 26 66 27 67 28 68
7 29 69 30 70 31 71 32 72
8 33 73 34 74 35 75 36 76
9 37 77 38 78 39 79 40 80
So many numbers in one row have difference = 4 (as numbers in circles/ovals). Besides, any numbers can be in the same one row with any other numbers, but if you take a look at the tables more carefully, (looks like) only numbers 37 (129/221) and 41 (133/225) will never be in the same one row.
Now how to scramble numbers to result like that..??
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