Australialainen Suomessa
All i did was try read the text book for the topics. I know we started on Family law then went onto crime which we haven't finished yet and we are going to go back to. Then we did human rights just recently. I don't actually remember doing anything on Law and Society in class though.Mr. Sabuncuoglu said:someone must have prepared pretty well hehegood job... so ur teacher has startd ur class doing law and society and family?? whats your other option?
we startd crime first.. and then law and society.. our first option is family.. and i think the other one mite b world order
We get to choose because there is two legal studies classes at my school and my teacher teaches consumers whilst the other teacher(who just happens to be my ancient teacher) teachers world order. There is no way I am going to do consumers though...World Order is more my kinda topic, plus the other teacher i can understand easier than my own legal teacher.