with most business orientation classes you got like a survival guide [i think most od, i got one for management]
and some brochures you could do without anyway.
the survivavl guide for mine just told me who my ocntacts were, stuff about what a uws graduate should be, units and when they are offered, course outline, majors/sub majors and who i can contact about them and a list of vocab.
they also repeatedly insisted we read all the policies of uws and if we need help with anything read it before going to them. [too many students were asking dumb questions like how to tute reg...they thought they had to do it on orientation and its an online thing]
i cant say much coz i didnt go to hrm/ir orientation but thats what mine was like so i hope you get the picture. next week, go to oyur course coordinator and ask for the survival guide and stuff.